@Luisaa_Erthal @httpsfe @lucasspoubel @olafismymain @JunniorAmorim @zedrogas @luiz1225 @mafioso_china tao loko q acionei o xaringan



Jaime Castro M (@jaimicore; 0/0): @xieyihui Do you have an advice in bookdown to print a rotated table read from a text file ?


Noam Ross (@noamross; 1/0): @wrathematics @bhive01 other tools rather than a crutch. Similar: Rcpp, htmlwidgets, other languages in knitr docs.

Locke Data (@LockeData; 0/1): Quick tip: #knitr #Python #Windows setup checklist https://t.co/d4loQnDdxZ #quicktip

クスクス料理勉強中 (@coolished; 0/0): knitrでなぜかpdf出力できない問題


Filhot (@Looguinho; 4/0): @Luisaa_Erthal @httpsfe @lucasspoubel @olafismymain @JunniorAmorim @zedrogas @luiz1225 @mafioso_china tao loko q acionei o xaringan

Daniel Pressel (@DanielPressel; 1/0): @hardmaru Xaringan or remark.js https://t.co/HoDr02fQvX

Amelia McNamara (@AmeliaMN; 0/0): @jimmylovestea Keynote, bro. Thought about being cool and learning reveal.js or xaringan but got lazy