I started a new blog at https://t.co/8VOLVN8f99. Abandoning my wordpress site in favor of #rstats blogdown.



Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 11330): I started a new blog at https://t.co/8VOLVN8f99. Abandoning my wordpress site in favor of #rstats blogdown.

Robin Lovelace (@robinlovelace; 183): Finally new website is up! New #openaccess publications, bike trailer story + logo: https://t.co/VaLWVBe2Cn Thanks… https://t.co/cuXobeAW85

Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 70): “Not generally recommended, but it seems to work.” https://t.co/GFehNSbKvb

Vicky Butt (@victoriabutt1; 63): A new blog created with R/blogdown/jekyll! Latest post hidden markov models https://t.co/r4WxaCvAFa Thanks to @clavitolo @RLadiesLondon

Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 40): @KenButler12 It seems like blogdown weekend. 😉 https://t.co/9BscdnXRAy

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 31): Converting to blogdown #rstats #datascience https://t.co/CeDD1QJvqd

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @ikashnitsky @robinlovelace Similar idea, but Hugo (fast!) + Github + @Netlify (awesome!) + RStudio + R (!!!) Markd… https://t.co/NerPA1Zo6G

Rick Scavetta (@Rick_Scavetta; 0/0): @kwbroman Thanks for pointing out #blogdown, I was planning on #rmarkdown with #jekyll


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @ikashnitsky @robinlovelace Similar idea, but Hugo (fast!) + Github + @Netlify (awesome!) + RStudio + R (!!!) Markd… https://t.co/NerPA1Zo6G

Marlon Samuels (@UriSamuels; 0/0): #Page Numbering in R Bookdown #Tech #Internet #Question #HowTO https://t.co/rRdAbwTRAs


Marlon Samuels (@UriSamuels; 0/0): #knitr and knit_print with HTML output - dispatch not working #Tech #Internet #Question #HowTO https://t.co/7hWCFukBSy


kazutan v3.4.0 (@kazutan; 0/0): ここでもxaringan…