.@xieyihui is there an easy function to convert from a jekyll blog to blogdown - including converting all old posts? Asking for a friend...



Jeff Leek (@jtleek; 81): .@xieyihui is there an easy function to convert from a jekyll blog to blogdown - including converting all old posts? Asking for a friend…

Karthik Ram (@_inundata; 30): @xieyihui How does hugo/blogdown do pagination? We are also exploring a migration.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 10): @peter_vukcevic @rstudio @xieyihui blogdown::serve_site() is pretty easy too! Especially if you’re starting out,… https://t.co/nkv5u1qJvP

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @juliasilge @ma_salmon @jtleek I’m 95% confident about a fairly smooth transition from Jekyll to Hugo/blogdown. Cur… https://t.co/8oIMiuZTxR

Marlon Samuels (@UriSamuels; 0/0): #RStudio blogdown generates error after using new_site() #Tech #Internet #Question #HowTO https://t.co/nfEHcTsAK3

Gordon Shotwell (@gshotwell; 0/0): @juliasilge @ma_salmon @jtleek @xieyihui This is a niave answer, but can’t you just copy the posts folder over to the Blogdown folder?


alastair rushworth (@rushworth_a; 0/0): @r4ecology Interesting, anything specific? I’m just starting out with markdown, I’m used to a tex/knitr set-up whic… https://t.co/VnzKShdGXt

❤️بن بخيت❤️ (@BnBakheit; 0/0): ربنا عليك توكلنا و اليك انبنا و هاجرنا تقبلنا بعملنا الصالح , و اغفر ذنوبنا https://t.co/kv3iCPAD6h