I am working on migrating my personal website to blogdown! 😊 I've got it almost done EXCEPT for my couple of posts with htmlwidgets. πŸ˜”



Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 250): I am working on migrating my personal website to blogdown! 😊 I’ve got it almost done EXCEPT for my couple of posts with htmlwidgets. πŸ˜”

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 140): @juliasilge Are you gonna write a blog post on about moving your blog to blogdown? How much blog would a blogdown b… https://t.co/qRmBWfrOl6

M Edward/Ed Borasky (@znmeb; 30): @juliasilge Which theme are you using? I ended up with Icarus https://t.co/PqU3OKKHVP

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 30): At least it looks like it’s not just me: https://t.co/OtF8uDpySk

Tamas S. (@tudosgar; 22): Starting a new blog, first post is up about how easy it was creating it with #blogdown. Stay tuned for more #rstats: https://t.co/uSaDAafmlq

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 22): Converting robjhyndman to blogdown https://t.co/bwuGDlsZrP 1993εΉ΄οΌˆοΌοΌ‰γ‹γ‚‰γ‚„γ£γ¦γŸε€‹δΊΊγ‚¦γ‚§γƒ–γ‚΅γ‚€γƒˆγ‚’blogdownγ«η§»θ‘Œγ—γŸθ©±γ€‚γ‹γ£γ“γ„γ„β€¦

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 20): @ZimanaAnalytics It’s a package for generating websites using Hugo and R Markdown! Pretty snazzy. https://t.co/k20tMKWr9D

Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 10): @xieyihui Update: figured this out by altering main.css (inline R code block) and monokai-sublime.css (hljs.selecto… https://t.co/KDV8PUrn7O

Bhaskar Karambelkar (@bhaskar_vk; 0/0): @juliasilge I would suggest my widgetframe package, but for now it doesn’t work with blogdown. https://t.co/F2tHtFqMHP

Bach Man (@8bitscollider; 0/0): @juliasilge why blogdown over own website using, say, twitter bootstrap? with the latter you have full control of any content you post

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): @juliasilge What is the advantage of blogdown over an rmarkdown site?

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @Tatjana_Kec It’d be nice to set up a website using blogdown to post your cake recipes so others may bake you cakes in gratitude :)


Jeff vG (@d8aninja; 10): Scalable #MachineLearning and #DataScience with Microsoft #Rstats Server and #Spark https://t.co/Bw1ZtkJmc1 #SparkR #Apache

David Coven (@mrcoven94; 10): @kwuchu Apple’s iAuthor is pretty πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ, for something more in the realm of code and math / proofs, I tend to Bookdown, the platform by R.


Paul Adamson (@PaulEAdamson; 10): Making use of external R code in knitr and R markdown via @zevross https://t.co/E4zDWMhhjE