Knitr's best hidden gem: spin #rstats via @daattali



Tyler Clavelle (@TylerSaville; 80): My data-driven exploration of the band #Phish using #rstats and #blogdown, w/ data from @Spotify and @phishnet in…

M Edward/Ed Borasky (@znmeb; 10): @hadleywickham I’m thinking there needs to be a “downverse” - R Markdown, bookdown, blogdown, flexdashboard, … use a duck as a mascot ;-)

Deependra Dhakal (@dd_rookie; 10): Just deployed my first #blogdown site with ❤ @GoHugoIO and @github. Still very raw…anyway, what the hell!

M Edward/Ed Borasky (@znmeb; 0/0): @hadleywickham Built with Blogdown??


Paul M. Jones (@pmjones; 26): Oh, and have I mentioned that Bookdown went 1.0.0 stable over the weekend? Lots of good stuff going on. :-)

M Edward/Ed Borasky (@znmeb; 10): @hadleywickham I’m thinking there needs to be a “downverse” - R Markdown, bookdown, blogdown, flexdashboard, … use a duck as a mascot ;-)

Jaehyun Song (@Tintstyle; 10): R의 bookdown패키지 덕분에 요즘은 인터넷으로도 양질의 R 서적이 종종 공개되는 듯.

Paul M. Jones (@pmjones; 0/1): In other news, Atlas has a new documentation site using Bookdown Bootswtch Templates from @TobiasJue .

Sarah Pohl (@LilithElina; 0/0): Since I can’t get started with bookdown, I guess I could just as well go to bed, hoping that MiKTeX will up again some time in my May 24th.


Tyler Rinker (@tylerrinker; 123): Knitr’s best hidden gem: spin #rstats via @daattali

Боб Рудіс (@hrbrmstr; 101): 👍 I use spin alot.

#protip create an RStudio snippet to populate spin header YAML & knitr global chunk options…

Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 30): I could not understand – why was this function returning different results when used inside a knitr doc vs a script vs another function

Tobias Jeppsson (@tobjep; 10): #rstudio has finally started to win me over, with the integrations to knitr, shiny, rpubs etc.

Evan Heisman (@evanheisman; 0/0): @polesasunder I am trying to think if I did this once (assumed var in global), and if that particular piece of code…

Roger H. French (@frenchrh; 0/0): “Finally, Four Backticks on Github” #code #feedly