I have successfully migrated my blog to blogdown and Hugo! #rstats https://t.co/GEoGcRcZrd



Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 380): I have successfully migrated my blog to blogdown and Hugo! #rstats https://t.co/GEoGcRcZrd

Clayton Yochum (@claytonyochum; 0/0): @juliasilge Adding comments to blogdown is something I’ve been curious about; current issue aside, has it mostly been smooth/easy?

Robin Penfold (@P0BS; 0/0): Can you help with the following question? Which Hugo themes support unaided htmlwidgets when using blogdown? #rstats https://t.co/bPXW8poPHC

Chip Oglesby (@chipoglesby; 0/0): @juliasilge are you hosting a blogdown on Github?


Yeedle N. (@Yeedle; 50): Even if you’re not publishing a book, @xieyihui’s bookdown is 🔥. with pdf_document2, rmarkdown can now replace 90% of my LaTeX usage #rstats


Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 40): The demonstration of an important feature of @xieyihui ’s xaringan pkg, Yolo, and how to change it. https://t.co/zd75YTVND2