Dig this blogdown conversion series: “@RomainFrancois8’s site w/ #blogdown, hugo, rbind” https://t.co/QSynuOVcIu vi… https://t.co/qXRPICcrER



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 12/3): Dig this blogdown conversion series: “@RomainFrancois8’s site w/ #blogdown, hugo, rbind” https://t.co/QSynuOVcIu vi… https://t.co/qXRPICcrER

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 2/0): @brideOfFacetasm That, and @xieyihui’s blogdown for #rstats means PHP is rarely something I need to use. Also, I write by hand a lot…

Ayan Doss (@AyanDoss; 0/0): Up and running with blogdown (Alison Presmanes Hill) https://t.co/bV2UrePmAO https://t.co/yU5DCZhzPF


Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net!
https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/TBXbQYiA7K


nteract (@nteractio; 1/0): @StephenEglen notedown works well, you’ll need knitr for it:

notedown ok.Rmd –knit > ok.ipynb

Simon Grund (@simongrund89; 1/0): @bruno_nicenboim Rscript with knitr() for Rnw->TeX->PDF (Beamer) but needs a second terminal window. Tmux is a good addition to the mix.

Stephen Eglen (@StephenEglen; 0/0): how best can I convert Rmd to ipynb format?

any experience of https://t.co/r2UJHRGZ2J or https://t.co/bKZZUPZe3m

#rstats #knitr #jupyter


Nathaniel Bechhofer (@bechhof; 0/0): @hyperplanes https://t.co/5vPkUWqRfp via @xieyihui is essential here