I packaged up our blog’s style into a blogdown theme and wrote a thing on how to use it. (now with working link)… https://t.co/hjmcdZKdOt



Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 19/2): I packaged up our blog’s style into a blogdown theme and wrote a thing on how to use it. (now with working link)… https://t.co/hjmcdZKdOt

Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 13/3): Tutorial by @NicholasStrayer on the tuftesque blogdown theme. https://t.co/kgONnBkESi

Lucy 🌻 (@LucyStats; 7/4): Check it out: @NicholasStrayer wrapped up our blogdown theme just for you! 🎁 https://t.co/uzzc6Rcptn #rstats (+ 🙌 @xieyihui for blogdown!)

Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 2/0): @SoothCaster @kwbroman https://t.co/m0W6CAGOon


Colin Gillespie (@csgillespie; 3/2): @_ColinFay @ma_salmon @NSSDeviations @HeidiBaya I’ve just created a repo & bookdown site at https://t.co/kwMkbrTlV0… https://t.co/KOixOD8BzW


WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot_; 1/1): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #javascript @wordpressbot_

WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot_; 1/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot_


kazutan v3.4.1 (@kazutan; 1/0): @niszet0 今からRPresentationを習得というなら、あまりおすすめしません。revealjsパッケージかxaringanパッケージをおすすめします。

niszetr (@niszet0; 0/0): @kazutan 私がうだうだしている間にLT枠も埋まってしまったようなので、次回、機会あればお願いします~(それまでにはrevealjsとxaringanをマスター・・・)