@michaelhoffman @BioMickWatson @ikirker This sums up a lot of my feelings https://t.co/3Vo9IlH3Gi



annakrystalli (@annakrystalli; 10): Playing around with hacking into hugo themes to customise my new blogdown site… failing but tempted to keep it! 😂 https://t.co/zswO8m1DlC


Frontend Engineering (@frontendbook; 0/0): Code folding in bookdown https://t.co/oGIJZvqN8Z

surendar (@surendar1187; 0/0): YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R https://t.co/753i1px14l


Tom Wallis (@tsawallis; 40): @mcxfrank @chartgerink @FrederikAust Materials of our recent paper using knitr. Perhaps of interest to see an examp… https://t.co/RDarAGA9s1

matti heino (@Heinonmatti; 20): Puzzled: There must be a way to include the <— commented out text —> for collaborators when knitting docs? #rstats #knitr #Rmarkdown

WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot; 10): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot

Tom Wallis (@tsawallis; 0/0): @mcxfrank @chartgerink @FrederikAust Note: I use knitr + latex because last I checked, RMarkdown alone can’t handle references well. Old?


Peter Hickey (@PeteHaitch; 50): @michaelhoffman @BioMickWatson @ikirker This sums up a lot of my feelings https://t.co/3Vo9IlH3Gi

Brittany Partridge (@bspartridgeCIS; 20): Interesting post about how scientific conferences could be changed. I agree with a lot o these! https://t.co/GoJmtUd3MF via @xieyihui