Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 23/3): omg, @xieyihui transferred all of my old blog posts to my new blogdown site, Thanks, Yihui! ↪
Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 1/0): @mikelove Or should we all be using blogdown? ↪
Steph Locke (@SteffLocke; 0/0): @jcoenep doggos were there earlier and no, I’m using Hugo directly which is what blogdown uses to go from Rmd->html ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @jwgayler Yes. The output is just a bunch of static files. You can host them wherever you want. On… ↪
boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 1/0): @daniel_bilar @mrshrbrmstr I’ll likely be helping get stuff up on GH and bookdown so stay tuned :-) ↪
Lars Schoebitz (@larnsce; 1/0): @haozhu233 Using it mainly to decrease the font size and to fit my tables on the page for #bookdown reports. ↪
Bogdan Oancea (@bogdan__oancea; 0/0): The QCA with R book ↪
Lars Schoebitz (@larnsce; 3/1): Just discovered the #kableExtra package by @haozhu233 for use with #knitr kable(). Couldn’t be more stoked! #rstats ↪
Ted Laderas (@tladeras; 1/0): @mikedecr lapply(listOfTables, function(x){knitr::kable(x)}) or use a for loop if you like. ↪
Mike DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 1/0): #rstats #knitr question: if I want to render a list of tables as HTML (i.e. not a console output block), what’s the best way to do this? ↪
Martin (@mrtn_su; 1/0): Good post on knitr/RMarkdown, and the emerging python equivalents knitpy/stitch: ↪
tj mahr 🦆 (@tjmahr; 0/0): @tladeras @mikedecr lapply(tables, knitr::kable) ↪
Javascript Bot (@JavascriptBot_; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Serie here #javascript @javascriptbot_ ↪