Aaron Miles (@_aaronmiles; 2/0): @andrewheiss I’m planning on moving my blog over to blogdown/Hugo so I was intensely following your journey. Glad you figured it out! ↪
Alejandro Rojas (@alejorojas2; 1/0): @rob_choudhury @CEBuddenhagen @raveenpoudel Nice! I was using the same template with blogdown, but not done yet ↪
Mike Kearney📊 (@kearneymw; 1/0): @andrewheiss Ahh makes sense. Well I got a lot more familiar with the parsing functions in blogdown while looking o… ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 1/0): arghlebargle. I’m trying to use config.yaml in #blogdown instead of TOML (because ew), and I keep getting this cryp… ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): Final #blogdown question: I can add a bibliography to individual pages with
bibliography: blah.bib
in the YAML front matter. ↪
Robin Choudhury (@rob_choudhury; 0/0): @alejorojas2 @CEBuddenhagen @raveenpoudel Oh wow, blogdown looks way easier than the hack-y solutions I had to rig! Looks good! ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): Final(?) weird Hugo/blogdown thing to figure out: how the heck does work? ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): @kearneymw Nope, this esoteric thing. Include “—” in YAML, everything breaks; remove “—”, everything works. ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): Issue submitted: ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): YOU GUYS. If #blogdown config.yaml starts/ends with — delimiter, it breaks. It works fine without them. ↪
Mike DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 0/0): @andrewheiss @alexpghayes There’s a way to rebuild the site using cached files with the blogdown package, so that s… ↪
Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 52/12): Some more on Newton’s method in R including how to take advantage of symbolic differentiation for gradient/Hessian ↪
Bruno Rodrigues (@brodriguesco; 1/0): @KonaduAppiah also read this by Constantin Colonescu ↪
Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 0/0): @hammerheadbat things are even easier these days. have you looked into bookdown? ↪
Fiona Burlig (@fburlig; 3/0): @paulgp @SallyLHudson I really like knitr - lets you integrate R code into a more standard LaTeX document. ↪
Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 1/0): @hammerheadbat You’re writing your thesis in knitr! I did that too :) ↪
Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 0/0): @SallyLHudson essentially, yes. details here: ↪
chiahua (@chiahua; 0/0): 2小時47分,趕完15頁、6469個字的報告。
第一次建立結構會比較花時間,用 knitr 寫報告的好處是,下次要更新資料的話,只要7秒就好了。
不過文字說明的部分例外啦…那個還是要自己想、自己寫。但如果把每案子的最新進度資料建檔,自動更新也是做得到的。 #fb ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 0/1): Esta presentación nos enseña cómo emplear la librería xaringan para realizar presentaciones desde R
#DataScience ↪
Luna (@lunaceee; 4/2): Curious to learn more about the philosophical choices between Github Pages and @Netlify according to ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 0/1): Esta presentación nos enseña cómo emplear la librería xaringan para realizar presentaciones desde R
#DataScience ↪