R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 23/5): Moving my blog to blogdown #rstats #DataScience ↪
Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 11/2): Followed @apreshill’s tutorial ( to get my GitHub Pages to Netlify lickety-split! #rstats ↪
Auggy (@mmmpork; 3/2): Having a great time in @apreshill ’s blogdown tutorial! I found an appropriate FontAwesome icon for @RLadiesPDX !!… ↪
Paul Brennan (@brennanpcardiff; 2/0): @Biomimicron @rstudio #blogdown looks very interesting. We should play :-) ↪
PDX R (@pdxrlang; 2/0): #pdxrlang just use Netlify to deploy your blogdown site! ↪
Avinash Manure (@avinax; 0/0): Blogdown, Git and RStudio: Unable to Stage public/ folder #rstudio #blogdown #github #question ↪
Omar Gonzáles Díaz (@o_gonzales; 0/0): knitr will change Perú 2 Perú but will rnder. #blogdown will call Reader error: invalid leading UTF-8 octet: #FA at 21. @xieyihui sos ↪
Afelio Padilla (@AfelioP; 0/0): “Moving my blog to blogdown” #bigdata #feedly ↪
TimeOfCrisis (@pterodactylll2; 0/0): Announcing blogdown: Create Websites with R Markdown ↪
Benjamin Feakins (@Feakster86; 0/0): Might have to look into blogdown if I ever decide to write a blog: ↪
PDX R (@pdxrlang; 0/0): materials for tonight’s #pdxrlang blogdown meetup #rstats ↪
Jacob J. Bukoski (@JacobBukoski; 2/0): #Bookdown is an excellent way to organize lit & research ideas for #PhD qualifying exams while learning a new tool… ↪
‘online influencer’ (@d8aninja; 1/0): The main difference between @hadleywickham and @wesmckinn = #R4DS is free, and the number one hit on Google. #rstats #datascience #bookdown ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @bechhof @andrewheiss I might, but I don’t have time. You may consider improving the tikz engine in knitr and sendi… ↪
WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot_; 1/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here #css @wordpressbot_ ↪
Malisa (@malisas7; 0/0): Render reports directly from R scripts #datascience #R #markdown #Rmarkdown #knitr #html #pdf #report #workflow ↪
Omar Gonzáles Díaz (@o_gonzales; 0/0): knitr will change Perú 2 Perú but will rnder. #blogdown will call Reader error: invalid leading UTF-8 octet: #FA at 21. @xieyihui sos ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): @bechhof ooh, tikz looks promising. I’m hoping to do Rmd to both HTML and TeX, so I might have to still generate the figures out of knitr. ↪
Blake Shaffer 📊 (@bcshaffer; 0/0): @yycschmooze I do not know what that means, but yes, I plan to transition fully to Markdown with knitr soon. Brave new world! ↪