👍 how-to for Jekyll & Hugo (w/ #blogdown): "Make Your Own Blog Using R" by @clavitolo https://t.co/1CM7nQ8ZFW ht… https://t.co/ORe6qr3Wmv



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 5411): 👍 how-to for Jekyll & Hugo (w/ #blogdown): “Make Your Own Blog Using R” by @clavitolo https://t.co/1CM7nQ8ZFW ht… https://t.co/ORe6qr3Wmv

Nicholas W Fox (@NickFoxstats; 20): @MilesMcBain @openscience great using it for sharing code and making blogdown websites - but I don’t use it day to day like some

R-Ladies Berlin (@RLadiesBerlin; 10): For all those bloggers out there https://t.co/Oj1n29b9Aa #Rladies #rstats

Scott Johnson (@Scott_Johnsn; 0/0): @ProQuesAsker I am reading over your directions for creating a website with blogdown. Very helpful. Thanks.

Nitin Gupta (@nitingupta2; 0/0): @xieyihui Thank you for building #knitr and #blogdown🙏🏼 Been a long time user. Is there a plan to include Knit to Excel?


Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 114): This #rstats (open source) book made by @YaRrrBook is excelent! Give it a try: https://t.co/ZpXOuoS1dI 💫🏴‍☠️ https://t.co/f2qgtjvDP2

A clean ra (@earcanal; 10): @dataandme @davidhughjones + captions with bookdown: https://t.co/OTjUD8n3TL


onelinetips (@onelinetips; 11): #rstats take advantage of caching and dependencies in rmarkdown, similar to makefiles https://t.co/LG48ba3qYU (h/t @dggoldst)

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 10): One Little Thing: knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/kdFzLzSsSj コードチャンク中にplotがあると、そこですぐに図が出力されてチャンクが分割されてしまうけど、チャンクはそのままで図だけあとで表示したい、みたいな話。

Locke Data (@LockeData; 0/1): Quick tip: knitr Python Windows setup checklist https://t.co/vKzO75N493

hackseq (@hackseq; 0/0): @grandebruno for genomics data analysis, and knitr/Rmd for sharing reproducible code. (3)

Nitin Gupta (@nitingupta2; 0/0): @xieyihui Thank you for building #knitr and #blogdown🙏🏼 Been a long time user. Is there a plan to include Knit to Excel?

Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): One Little Thing: knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/QmFlk30gAv #statistics

Aaron Schiff (@aschiff; 0/0): @tomelliottnz “I just need to make 267 different html files. I guess knitr can do that? Gah, I can’t figure it out.… https://t.co/qo48CQhONa


yufree (@yu_free; 0/0): Those slides are powered by xaringan package @xieyihui https://t.co/LTveyib3Rw


onelinetips (@onelinetips; 11): #rstats take advantage of caching and dependencies in rmarkdown, similar to makefiles https://t.co/LG48ba3qYU (h/t @dggoldst)

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 10): One Little Thing: knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/kdFzLzSsSj コードチャンク中にplotがあると、そこですぐに図が出力されてチャンクが分割されてしまうけど、チャンクはそのままで図だけあとで表示したい、みたいな話。