✂️ for all your blogdown 🐦 tweet-chunking needs ⬇️ snippet twe ```{r, echo = FALSE} blogdown::shortcode("tweet",… https://t.co/31LsvSTENR



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 294): ✂️ for all your blogdown 🐦 tweet-chunking needs ⬇️

snippet twe ```{r, echo = FALSE} blogdown::shortcode(“tweet”,… https://t.co/31LsvSTENR

Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 60): @benmarwick @UW @uwescience @uwlibraries @uwrescommons @UWArtSci @UWGradSchool I’m really going to need to create a… https://t.co/TR262GMntt

Sepehr Akhavan (@SepehrAkhavan; 22): #blogdown: create websites using R Markdown and Hugo


Morgan Brand (@Morgs_John; 10): To all my #permaculture friends, I have a new #blogdown blog post about #biochar. Check it out at https://t.co/ETofPLuB22

Rajesh ツ (@ippalarajesh; 0/0): Creating Websites with #Rmarkdown https://t.co/DyA3bC6Odc

Mat (@matamix; 0/0): Avec du #rstats dedans (krigeage, viridis, gganimate,ggiraph… ) et un nouveau site créé grâce à blogdown.


Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 40): Anyone know of a good #bookdown cheat sheet? #rstats @rstudio @xieyihui

Sepehr Akhavan (@SepehrAkhavan; 22): #blogdown: create websites using R Markdown and Hugo


Burak (@Burak_AYD1N; 0/1): https://t.co/w1N4fsRRsu

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/1): Issue with Host R bookdown generated gitbook on sharepoint https://t.co/ilT4zbVjhv https://t.co/wvb1vfw11S

Everet Rummel 🌐📊 (@TheRealEveret; 0/0): All #rstats bookdown books should be required to be downloadable in epub format.

Rajesh ツ (@ippalarajesh; 0/0): Creating Websites with #Rmarkdown https://t.co/DyA3bC6Odc


Chris Wall (@coraloha; 20): Oh@my god! The future is require(knitr) {```r, badass!, echo=true} #badass! https://t.co/hmKJHrG9lx

WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 11): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #javascript @wordpressbot

Romain François (@romain_francois; 0/0): Can a #knitr chunk hook swallow input and output and render them differently. Asking for #rsciinema 📦 ?

WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot