#RStats — Building a Blog with Blogdown and GitHub https://t.co/svnOvz4AhU https://t.co/9y0AKxM5xi



thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 62): #RStats — Building a Blog with Blogdown and GitHub https://t.co/svnOvz4AhU https://t.co/9y0AKxM5xi

Taras Kaduk (@imtaraas; 0/0): Deploy #blogdown site + figure out #github + practice #rvest & #ggplot + analyse data + work on storytelling skills… https://t.co/W4AFSPUDcW


Juan Carlos González (@dechontaduro; 44): Una buena colección de libros sobre R #DataScience #RStats https://t.co/vONhjolULY

Earth Lab CU-Boulder (@EarthLabCU; 21): Learn to add citations & a reference list to ur rmarkdown report w @xieyihui bookdown package… https://t.co/tV9xr9Lvjg


will (@xslates; 0/0): Code externalization for R using knitr is a life-saver if you write a lot of markdown - https://t.co/yp76LYwuz5