#RStats — awesome-blogdown, an awesome curated list of blogs built using blogdown https://t.co/zhZ9YCk19H



thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 164): #RStats — awesome-blogdown, an awesome curated list of blogs built using blogdown https://t.co/zhZ9YCk19H

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 51): @imtaraas @angelinakaduk I love these logos! Thanks so much! It is so hard to decide… Currently I’m using a versi… https://t.co/aVkFPmZ0eC

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 10): The “Tales of R” blog by @maureviv has just been added to https://t.co/HXrayOBd9O #rstats #blogdown

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 10): @thinkR_fr I’m in the process of moving it to https://t.co/82OUqvFPst


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 51): @imtaraas @angelinakaduk I love these logos! Thanks so much! It is so hard to decide… Currently I’m using a versi… https://t.co/aVkFPmZ0eC

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 21): So, I just turned the old “Intro to R” html manual into a bookdown. Because why not: https://t.co/j198uLXOx5… https://t.co/6U8WKOTnPs

Paul M. Jones (@pmjones; 21): With help from @TobiasJue’s bookdown/themes work, the Atlas documentation site is now has both 1.x and 2.x docs! https://t.co/QT6Nm6TpXv

Kiko (@kikofernandez; 0/0): @deech @yminsky Bookdown uses R Markdown and looks quite ok. In any case, my vote goes to pandoc

Michael Ekstrand 🐇 (@mdekstrand; 0/0): @yminsky The best I’ve seen lately is gitbook/bookdown/similar.

Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net! https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/oqHAxiA0kr


Daniël Lakens (@lakens; 91): @_r_c_a This is very needed! Is it in R? Then a https://t.co/yttckb6qAM that is a data.frame. Have you seen this? https://t.co/JpfR0RADB4