just started writing some slides with xaringan (https://t.co/H57VwGVbvG) -- so far, MUCH better than Rpres



Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 80): And, last but not least, “R Internals” as a bookdown \o/ #RStats Thanks @xieyihui for such an amazing package!… https://t.co/UdKejpMPJW


WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/1): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot


DavidLawrenceMiller (@millerdl; 407): just started writing some slides with xaringan (https://t.co/H57VwGVbvG) – so far, MUCH better than Rpres

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 22): remark.jsを利用してるのがxaringanで、数式はmathjaxでやってる。なおzousan::zousan_documentではmathjaxとkatexを選択できます。 利用者いないけど。

Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 10): @bolkerb @millerdl What Pandoc incompatibility? (With xaringan?)

Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 10): @millerdl Didn’t you recommend we use Rpres for the first ESA mgcv workshop! 😉 (I’ve just started using Xaringan by the way)

DavidLawrenceMiller (@millerdl; 10): example talk here: https://t.co/aRIBkeE7e8


DavidLawrenceMiller (@millerdl; 10): example talk here: https://t.co/aRIBkeE7e8