Start a data science blog, create it in #rstats using blogdown, and post analyses on openly available data that take me out of my comfort zone and force me to learn new data science skills and tools!



Prashanth Sriram (@prashanthsriram; 49/6): Start a data science blog, create it in #rstats using blogdown, and post analyses on openly available data that take me out of my comfort zone and force me to learn new data science skills and tools!

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 6/0): For a school project, we are writing a report using @road2stat ’s liftr. We’ll need to make a slideshow, so @xieyihui ’s Xaringan will be handy. A side request is to build a website, I guess blogdown will do the job. Is mixing those 3 in the same project ok ? #rstats

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 3/0): @prashanthsriram If you need any #blogdown inspiration, there are lots of blogs to check out here ->

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 2/0): i also migrated my blog to start using blogdown, and moved it to netlify! excuse me if things look a little off while i tidy (heh heh) it to my liking 🔧

Nan Xiao (@road2stat; 1/0): @RoelandtN42 @xieyihui Good point. For liftr, we had plans for containerizing R Markdown websites and Xaringan slides The blogdown case might be a bit more complicated but worth looking into:

Sau-Chin Chen (@SauChin_Chen; 1/0): Working on blogdown. To debut my English/Chinese website on the first day of 2018.

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 1/0): @xieyihui Oh, and blogdown is so easy and such a pleasure to use, that maybe I’ll write enough that I think it is worth getting a proper domain.

Thank you for this package!

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui As expected, Xaringan is a no-brainer. I put it a new folder and it works like a charm. I red the blogdown docs quicly and I’m more concerned about the empty directory thing:

This empty directory needs to be at the root of the project ?

fusion (@__fusion; 0/0): blogdown で Hugo blog ♪

Daneel Olivaw (@d_olivaw; 0/0): blogdown is great and Hugo seems to work very well. But browsing is imposible. It takes FOR EVER to load. #rstats

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui My project is due in 2 weeks, so I plan to set xarigan and blogdown during the holidays. So if you remember, started from liftr and I put everything into a docs/ folder. I wonder if I can make a presentations folder and a blog one into that folder too. Or aside…

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui Thanks for your response :)

I wasn’t thinking something like that. for Xaringan, it makes more sense because we often write a paper and do some presentations about it.

For Blogdown, it might have an interest too, for cases like mine.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @rmflight It is almost 2018, and you still have “broken” links? No no, you should really learn 301 redirects: BTW I thought I made it clear in the blogdown book (Chapter 3) that I don’t recommend Github Pages or Travis but it seems I didn’t:


José A. Alonso (@Jose_A_Alonso; 1/2): Getting used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown. ~ Chester Ismay #Rstats

Sau-Chin Chen (@SauChin_Chen; 1/0): Working on blogdown. To debut my English/Chinese website on the first day of 2018.

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui As expected, Xaringan is a no-brainer. I put it a new folder and it works like a charm. I red the blogdown docs quicly and I’m more concerned about the empty directory thing:

This empty directory needs to be at the root of the project ?


Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Unable to use format = "latex" in knitr::kable() within a rmarkdown document generated via shiny
#Tech #News #HowTo

Buck Borasky - Frontier Programmer (@znmeb; 0/0): @octonion From the DESCRIPTION of gpuR

Depends: R (>= 3.0.2), methods, utils
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.11.5), assertive
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppEigen, RViennaCL (>=, BH
NeedsCompilation: yes
Suggests: testthat, knitr


Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 6/0): For a school project, we are writing a report using @road2stat ’s liftr. We’ll need to make a slideshow, so @xieyihui ’s Xaringan will be handy. A side request is to build a website, I guess blogdown will do the job. Is mixing those 3 in the same project ok ? #rstats

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 1/0): @xieyihui @_inundata @kwbroman Reading Xaringan doc,and finding this thread… Priceless :)

Nan Xiao (@road2stat; 1/0): @RoelandtN42 @xieyihui Good point. For liftr, we had plans for containerizing R Markdown websites and Xaringan slides The blogdown case might be a bit more complicated but worth looking into:

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui As expected, Xaringan is a no-brainer. I put it a new folder and it works like a charm. I red the blogdown docs quicly and I’m more concerned about the empty directory thing:

This empty directory needs to be at the root of the project ?

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @road2stat @xieyihui Thanks for your response :)

I wasn’t thinking something like that. for Xaringan, it makes more sense because we often write a paper and do some presentations about it.

For Blogdown, it might have an interest too, for cases like mine.

John Ramey (@ramhiser; 0/0): @xieyihui still prefer netlify?

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @rmflight It is almost 2018, and you still have “broken” links? No no, you should really learn 301 redirects: BTW I thought I made it clear in the blogdown book (Chapter 3) that I don’t recommend Github Pages or Travis but it seems I didn’t: