Just ditched TeXLive and switched to @xieyihui’s TinyTeX (https://t.co/ukzLccezzo) and it works perfectly πŸ‘ŒπŸ» #rstats



thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 4/2): #RStats #BlogDown β€” Getting tuftesque with blogging https://t.co/RXZrMeiwia β†ͺ

Jim Hester (@jimhester_; 3/1): @polesasunder I think the short answer is use blogdown::serve_site(), not build site https://t.co/kJPyXgtt6m β†ͺ

Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 3/1): hey #rstats, quick #blogdown question: Does it have to rebuild every single Rmd every time you run blogdown::build_site() ? Doesn’t that mean the site gets slower and slower to make? β†ͺ

Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 3/0): @jamesday87 @ma_salmon @kierisi @plusSixOneblog Yes; it’ll be a couple of weeks b4I have a chance to put somethingtogether, but some resources: https://t.co/XPYgoW1j6k; https://t.co/scNTSzg2kI. Also, here’s my github repo: https://t.co/lwrhango7J; [the rcode folder probably isn’t that useful; mostly for scratch] β†ͺ

Lucas Godoy (@godoy_lusca; 2/1): @polesasunder I think #blogdown just rebuild the Rmd’s you’ve changed. Maybe a better strategy would be first structure the site and then include the Rmd files. #rstats β†ͺ

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): Presentation (needs the project image folder): https://t.co/35Uq92UKBQ

We used #liftr #Xaringan #blogdown #Rmarkdown #Rstudio as much as we could.

It is not perfect, we could have used more functions, less copy/paste and do it more reproductible. But it is what it is. 2/3 https://t.co/4m1jYt7a1p β†ͺ


Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 3/0): @jamesday87 @ma_salmon @kierisi @plusSixOneblog Yes; it’ll be a couple of weeks b4I have a chance to put somethingtogether, but some resources: https://t.co/XPYgoW1j6k; https://t.co/scNTSzg2kI. Also, here’s my github repo: https://t.co/lwrhango7J; [the rcode folder probably isn’t that useful; mostly for scratch] β†ͺ

Florian PrivΓ© (@privefl; 1/0): @petemohanty @alexpghayes Maybe see this: https://t.co/03ND10Qu8N β†ͺ

Mohammad Alfaifi (@alfaifi_moh; 0/0): For R users, if you need to write a book, thesis or a long report, then you may find ‘bookdown’ package very useful.

Here’s an e-book which shows you everything you need to know to get started:
https://t.co/m46QLLygI7 β†ͺ


joshua 🌐 becker (@joshua_a_becker; 0/0): @jdfoote Thanks! This may not get me what I wanted but hopefully it will get me where I need to be! (Yes, Knitr->RMarkdown->Latex->PDF. As a backup, i’ll make a word doc, but the tables don’t look nearly as nice…) β†ͺ


Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): Presentation (needs the project image folder): https://t.co/35Uq92UKBQ

We used #liftr #Xaringan #blogdown #Rmarkdown #Rstudio as much as we could.

It is not perfect, we could have used more functions, less copy/paste and do it more reproductible. But it is what it is. 2/3 https://t.co/4m1jYt7a1p β†ͺ


James Goldie (@rensa_co; 5/2): Just ditched TeXLive and switched to @xieyihui’s TinyTeX (https://t.co/ukzLccezzo) and it works perfectly πŸ‘ŒπŸ» #rstats β†ͺ