My first shiny app: calculating your hourly rate as a consultant (publishing an #rshiny #rstats app on the personal website with #rmarkdown and #blogdown turned out to be much more efficient than using Medium. Because iframes, that’s why!)



Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 5/1): My first shiny app: calculating your hourly rate as a consultant
(publishing an #rshiny #rstats app on the personal website with #rmarkdown and #blogdown turned out to be much more efficient than using Medium. Because iframes, that’s why!)

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 2/2): New blog post exploring global trends in #Tuberculosis incidence rates using getTBinR ( The regional picture indicates ongoing declines in incidence rates but some countries are bucking this trend. #rstats #blogdown

Hao Zhu (@haozhu233; 0/1): RStudio cloud + blogdown = ultimate blog writing tool🚀🚀🚀

Chris Handy 👉 (@handythinks; 0/0): @apreshill If you have a netlify blogdown site, do you need to run r-studio to add a non-r markdown blog post, or could one just add or edit an md file straight in github and have netlify deploy it?

Ilja (@fubits; 0/0): Aber dennoch: 4 Tage vom Ereignis zur (ersten) Aufbereitung (zumal Computational) erscheint aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive rekordverdächtig. Jetzt fehlt nur noch das entsprechende Format (z.B. Corporate Blog, oder Git/Blogdown mit Code).

Ivan (@privlko; 0/0): Is there any way to use #blogdown without setting up a github account? Wrote a few posts etc and just want to launch the blog without using git.

Kirill Müller (@krlmlr; 0/0): @pjs_228 @hadleywickham There’s a netlify example too:


Will Landau (@wmlandau; 0/0): @noamross The ‘.drake’ cache has both the target values and their hashes, so things will stay up to date if you transfer the whole project. Does that answer your question? Not sure I understood. (Aside: for external file targets like knitr *.md’s, the cache just has the path and the hash.)


DaShaka (@DaShaka27; 1/0): @Lacarmitolinnda XARINGAN