Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 26/7): How do you reuse project code and data for a blog post? Check out my new post on how to use git and knitr to blog(down) about your #rstats project. Thanks to @xieyihui for blogdown, @JennyBryan for her git tutorial, and @dataandme for her blogdown roundup! ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 25/8): Git going w/ version control, & code chunks… “Use git to Blog(down) About Your Projects” 🖊 @TimothyMastny #rstats ↪
Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 25/3): finally got something written up about getting started #hugo via #blogdown/#rstats/github pages:
Hope it’s useful for some folks! ↪
Bruno Vilela (@Bruno__Vilela; 9/9): I just started to write some tutorials for #rstats in macroecology using blogdown package. The first one is: A guide to transform species distributions into a presence absence matrix based on a user-defined grid in R. ↪
Steph Locke (@SteffLocke; 4/0): Using #blogdown on an existing #hugo site with #ci ↪
Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 2/1): The never ending struggle of #blogdown. This time around: trying to figure out how to fix the xml Atom/RSS feed. #rstats ↪
Marie Dussault 💀 (@londonaesthetik; 2/0): @taraskaduk @ma_salmon Ive got a loose outline of a little post, just an intro/hi to how I got here… And a draft version of a blogdown site… Just need to put it on github… Overcome the fear. ↪
Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 2/0): @londonaesthetik @ma_salmon I hear your pain. I went through this recently, but not it consumes less and less time (aside from constant “things I need to figure out / fix in my blogdown site) ↪
Bruno Rodrigues (@brodriguesco; 1/1): @Gui42 Glad you enjoy it! I did some python dev in the past and do it still occasionally… have you looked at ? maybe you could generate the html files with blogdown (for rmd) and the above link for jupyter and then push it all to github pages? ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: blockcluster blogdown FedData hms kerasformula krm lidR RInno RJDBC tufte #rstats ↪
Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): @xieyihui How does one control the index.xml? Can’t see it in the blogdown manual. Do you do it in config.toml? Or need to create layouts? (looking through your Github repo, I see rss.xml in layouts, but where does it link to?) ↪
BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0):
: Child documents and path definition inYAML
headers Amt:500 #R ↪
Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 26/7): How do you reuse project code and data for a blog post? Check out my new post on how to use git and knitr to blog(down) about your #rstats project. Thanks to @xieyihui for blogdown, @JennyBryan for her git tutorial, and @dataandme for her blogdown roundup! ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 2/0): @VizMonkey @MilesMcBain You can actually do this with spin() from knitr! Try
knitr::spin("script.R", knit = FALSE)
and it will give you script.Rmd. By default turns roxygen comments to text, but you can customize withdoc
param. ↪
Caroline Bartman (@Caroline_Bartma; 0/0): @michaelhoffman @arjunrajlab i’m not familiar with knitr! so far just using R (with dplyr/ggplot2) ↪
Michael Hoffman (@michaelhoffman; 0/0): @Caroline_Bartma @arjunrajlab That is great! Are you using something like knitr? ↪
ljw (@levijohnwolf; 0/0): @darribas If you use jupyter yeah. I’m referring to the knitr stuff ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 0/0): @VizMonkey @MilesMcBain @daattali called it “knitr’s best hidden gem” ↪
BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0):
: Child documents and path definition inYAML
headers Amt:500 #R ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @znmeb @ma_salmon @shoilipal You don’t have to, if your Linux distro is Debian/Ubuntu. See FAQ 9: ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @znmeb @ma_salmon @shoilipal No! Burn all your existing LaTeX distributions, and install TinyTeX. No more Step 1 2 3. There is only Step 1: devtools::install_github(c(‘yihui/tinytex’, ‘rstudio/rmarkdown’);
tinytex::install_tinytex(), and done, forever. ↪