@BecomingDataSci @DatoFutbol_cl for soccer+data(only in spanish for now).It’s done completly in @rstudio (blogdown).Fav post? 1)money & performance on LibertadoresCup https://t.co/onL7fqN9Bu 2)historical FIFA rank(Shiny app) https://t.co/T91jrPsKXn 3)EU formations https://t.co/sjFec5R8Vr #rstats



Ismael Gómez Schmidt (@ismaelgomezs; 5/2): @BecomingDataSci @DatoFutbol_cl for soccer+data(only in spanish for now).It’s done completly in @rstudio (blogdown).Fav post? 1)money & performance on LibertadoresCup https://t.co/onL7fqN9Bu
2)historical FIFA rank(Shiny app) https://t.co/T91jrPsKXn
3)EU formations https://t.co/sjFec5R8Vr #rstats

Frans van Dunné (@fransvandunne; 3/3): Publicamos la grabación de la reunión del San Carlos R User Group sobre Blogs y Websites con Blogdown https://t.co/IgucvtYJ5e. Esperamos verte en la proxima reunión!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @taraskaduk @github @hadleywickham this figure helped me work on the blogdown book https://t.co/CuvXgh3Eyl

Katie Jolly (@katiejolly6; 0/0): @PiottiP @deronaucoin @chrisalbon Blogdown can work with github pages, which gives you free hosting! But also it’s pretty easy to put rmarkdowns up with github pages. Then you could link to it in your post!

Rob (@coleman; 0/0): I still haven’t figured out a good workflow for hugo / Rmarkdown. I’ve read and toyed with blogdown but for whatever reason just can’t get a workflow going that makes sense

Katie Jolly (@katiejolly6; 0/0): @PiottiP @deronaucoin @chrisalbon Yep! Blogdown allows you to create websites/blogs within R. https://t.co/VxR4k3Aa5o. I’ve only used it a little but it helps with the backend side of blogging. But I realize it’s not super helpful if you already have the wordpress site 😬

Katie Jolly (@katiejolly6; 0/0): @PiottiP @deronaucoin @chrisalbon And I don’t know a ton about wordpress, but I can highly recommend blogging with something like the blogdown package!

Captain Splatter, USN (ret) (@znmeb; 0/0): @kevinmarks @bbedit I’m sticking with Hugo / Blogdown. Wish I had time to blog ;-)


espinielli (@espinielli; 3/1): Really enjoying @ClauseWilke book “Fundamentals of Data Visualization”. Nice to peek under the hood and read the #rstats / #ggplot2 code (and bookdown organization)

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 0/0): @OilGains Option (i) requires the development version of bookdown, though. Option (ii) doesn’t, I think.

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 0/0): @OilGains (ii) Copy the _bookdown_final.yml file into _bookdown.yml.

Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net!
https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/2SIokwsfEx


Frank Harrell (@f2harrell; 4/1): @rdpeng @fraukolos @gpavolini we have also started a Github project for markdown knitr scripts for problems in the WHitlock & Schluter book - contributions welcomed: https://t.co/XtvE2nKoNY . BBR Chapter 1 shows how to access: https://t.co/B4jcgFaVTl

Jean Adams (@JeanVAdams; 1/1): TFW you realize your #rstats issues stem from a knitr cache that is not updating, after hours of troubleshooting. #burnedbythecache