R-Ladies Cville (@RLadiesCville; 3/1): Join us TONIGHT as we unveil the #RLadies Charlottesville #blogdown website! ↪
Lucas A. Meyer (@RealLucasMeyer; 1/0): #blogdown help: When I serve my site in RStudio, in which port does it get served in case I want to use a full-screen browser instead of the RStudio viewer? ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @phoebewong2012 @sharlagelfand @DrJMLuther @rstatsbot1234 plotly is “static” in the sense that it could be rendered completely locally in your web browser (no need for the page to talk to a remote server). HTML widgets are supported in blogdown. ↪
Matt Moehr (@mattmoehr; 0/0): Although I caught some feels about this kind of “dev snark” when I was volunteering for a coding bootcamp… Dev snark is a type of in-crowd privilege?
…but that might be longer than can fit in a tweet storm. (Hence my end-of-day reading on blogdown, tbh.) ↪
Matt Moehr (@mattmoehr; 0/0): Haha.
source: ↪
Eric A. Suess (@esuess; 0/0): Got to get my website on github. ↪
John Lewis (@_jrlewi; 7/1): saw #facebookdown trending and my first thought was ‘oh cool, wonder what that extension to #bookdown does?’… about 2 seconds later I realized oh… #rstats ↪
James Goldie (@rensa_co; 2/2): @MilesMcBain @vscode Two gists for working with #rstats RMarkdown in @code:
RMd snippets for commenting, cross-referncing and adding common chunks:
Bookdown rendering task runner: ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @oaxacamatt1 @rstudio You can make it private. No problem at all. Please just refrain from publishing other types of content to this server (such as Shiny apps): For books, you can do whatever you want (make them private, share with others, etc). ↪
mcc (@oaxacamatt1; 0/0): @rstudio Q. re: BookDown; I am a student creating a report/book for a class. Can I use in ‘private mode’(or something similar?) so I can ‘store’ my book until my book is finished OR is this not the purpose of the website? Thanks ↪
Eric A. Suess (@esuess; 0/0): Got to get my website on github. ↪
Symbolix (@symbolixAU; 1/0): @deanmarchiori @rstudio Yes it’s still a bit of a jumble of knitr docs but a coherent blog post is in the works - hopefully in next few days ↪
Kyle E. Davis (@KyleDavisOrg; 0/1): Is there any way in #Rstudio’ Sweave/Knitr I can add a custom keyboard shortcut. I want C - I and C - B to give \textit{ } and \textbf{ } printouts. @hadleywickham #R #rstats ↪
David Masad (@badnetworker; 0/0): Can knitr or similar tools do branching – e.g. if the result of this cell is X then add this paragraph, otherwise add this other paragraph? ↪
James Prichard (@jayprich; 0/0): nice rgl interactive slides by the author/maintainer, Duncan Murdoch, using knitr with embedded WebGL ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @GrayAnalyst @thomas_mock See the section “A secret tool in xaringan”: ↪
Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 1/0): Just like that @xieyihui has already solved my R Markdown preview update problem in the past!
xaringan::inf_mr() updates the R-markdown view automatically when you save the .rmd file. Not truly live preview, but more convenient than re-knitting repeatedly! #rstats ↪
Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 10/8): [Been there, done that]
If you are building a #Docker running some #RStats code, this blogpost by @xieyihui might come handy from time to time : ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @GrayAnalyst @thomas_mock See the section “A secret tool in xaringan”: ↪
Matt Moehr (@mattmoehr; 0/0): Haha.
source: ↪