Alicia Schep (@AliciaSchep; 110/27): Tentatively starting a blog (Thanks #blogdown for making it so easy!), with initial post on using javascript in r markdown via the javascript knitr engine: ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10/1): So many new #rstats #blogdown users! I made a twitter list, reply here if you link to your blogdown site in your twitter profile 🤗 ↪
Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 6/0): Lists of #blogdown writers are fashion shows, right?
“Next here comes Dr MacDonald .. yes he is wearing a Hugo port of ghostwriter by designer jbub .. he’s giving us rants, he’s giving us reproducibility, he’s giving non-normal response variable realness” ↪
Brett Ory (@BrettEOry; 5/0): So excited to give a short introduction to #blogdown at the @RLadiesRdam meetup tomorrow! ↪
Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 4/2): Thanks @tclavL ! That was really helpful - Kudos!
“Building a Blog with Blogdown and GitHub”
Tags: #RStats, #RStudio, #GitHub, #BlogDown, #dataScience ↪
Fernando Flores (@ds_floresf; 3/2): I’ve just created a PR with my website info for @sellorm’s
If yours is built with #blogdown consider to contribute to the list! #rstats ↪
Brittany Lasseigne (@bnlasse; 0/0): I’m thinking of starting a #genomics & data analysis blog/website. Considering R blogdown + Hugo + Netlify. Pros, cons, suggestions, alternatives? ↪
Alicia Schep (@AliciaSchep; 110/27): Tentatively starting a blog (Thanks #blogdown for making it so easy!), with initial post on using javascript in r markdown via the javascript knitr engine: ↪
Apothicaire Amoureux (@PotardDechaine; 1/0): 9/ pour utiliser markdown, vous avez besoin de R, R studio, markdown, knitr, Pandoc, Shiny, LaTeX (version complète). ↪
Stephen Holzman (@StephenHolz; 0/1): Trying to get into custom templates/fonts with knitr + rmd + Latex. Anyone have a favorite resource for explaining how the software works together? Having above average trouble figuring out what to troubleshoot and want to shore up my base level understanding 🙂 #rstats ↪
Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): Thanks, Alicia Schep, for Digging into knitr Engines #statistics ↪
Mareviv (@maureviv; 0/0): #knitr: the force is very strong with you! ↪
nakamichi (@nakamichi; 0/0): 心が歪んでいるので,大学院時代の話については,いくらprocrastinationで苦しんだとか言っても結局knitrみたいな素晴らしいものを作ってるし学科の賞も取ってるからすごいひとは苦しんでいてもすごいというだけだな~と思ってしまったのだが, ↪
{doctoRant}📊📚 (@_AntoineB; 3/0): Il y avait un mec qui posait plein de questions tricky genre la différence entre = et <- (que je recommandais) ou encore l’avantage de Xaringan par rapport aux slides rmarkdown de base…
Et en fait c’est mon grand-directeur de thèse 😂 ↪
Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 0/0): @earowang @visnut @romain_francois @mitchoharawild I use Xaringan on a daily basis so I’ll have to look into this! ↪
Earo Wang (@earowang; 0/0): @visnut @minebocek @romain_francois @mitchoharawild The icon 📦 best works with xaringan though ↪
nakamichi (@nakamichi; 5/7): 身につまされる話だと言うと僭越すぎるけど,すごいひともつらいのだなと思ってつらくなってしまう話だ……. / My Early Career Crisis (2014 - 2015) - A painful transition of a fresh PhD from academia to industry, … - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @mrworthington @TheLBJSchool Yes. Let me know if anyone runs into any problems when using TinyTeX. Please ask them to follow the instructions in the section “For R Users” at to install it (primarily because rmarkdown 1.9 is not on CRAN yet). ↪
Ke_YE_oH (@keyeoh; 0/0): Thank you @xieyihui for both your awesome work in the R ecosystem and you being so brave as to share this amazing personal journey. ↪
Martin B. Lukac (@mblukac; 0/0): A painful transition of a fresh PhD from academia to industry, and from selfish open-source to product-oriented… ↪