Marie Dussault 💀 (@londonaesthetik; 12/0): Well it’s official, I’m talking at my first @RLadiesCapeTown meetup. Now it’s out in the twitterverse, it’s real now! I’ll be doing a basic #blogdown intro, from the newbie’s perspective. If I can do it, anyone can! ↪
Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 4/2): RLadies, blogdown, and twitter converge in this awesomeness! If you’re in Cape Town, get yourself there for @londonaesthetik’s talk! ↪
Rika Gorn (@RikaGorn; 1/0): @AdamGruer Project #3 is using @zabormetrics markdown/blogdown tutorial to write about Projects 1 and 2! ↪
Thomas Mailund (@ThomasMailund; 0/0): @romain_francois @Netlify @github I can serve_site() with one theme. After that it breaks. But I can use blogdown to make a new site with a new theme and then it works. If I do that, I get a site I can see with serve_site(). If I push the pages it create to GitHub, it worked with the original theme. No more. ↪
Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 0/0): @ThomasMailund @Netlify @github So can you blogdown::serve_site() ?
It can be frustrating at first, but once you’re setup correctly, #hugo is such a great tool. ↪
Thomas Mailund (@ThomasMailund; 0/0): This is ridiculous! I could have written a compiler in the time I have now wasted trying to get a plain black-and-white theme for a GitHub pages + blogdown site ↪
Thomas Mailund (@ThomasMailund; 0/0): Why the fuck does it have to be so hard to get a blogdown blog to use a theme on GitHub pages? ↪
Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 9/0): I’m submitting a draft of my causal inference book to the publisher today. !!!
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to @xieyihui for his amazing #bookdown package. It made the writing so much more efficient. ↪
Paul van der Laken (@paulvanderlaken; 4/2): additional #bookdown and #shiny tutorials shared by @xieyihui and @daattali now included #rstats ↪
tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 4/1): #rstats today in bookdown hacks: making figures in my custom infobox chunks reproducible ↪
Carson Sievert (@cpsievert; 1/0): @xieyihui any chance I could get listed on ?
Is there a repo I can send a PR to? ↪
Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): All I have to do is figure out how to make #bookdown keep the intermediate .tex ↪
かつどん (@nozma; 0/0): どうもbookdownの使い方が今ひとつ分かったようなわからんような ↪
thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 15/4): Are you an #RStats and #Neo4J user?
Then, you’re gonna like this package ;)
{rmd4j} is a knitr engine that allows to call neo4j commands inside an RMarkdown document !
Feedback (and PR) welcome! ↪
André Soares (@GeoMicroSoares; 2/0): @micro_mario @hadleywickham ggplot2 has so far given me some of the greatest joys of my life and I’m definitely grateful @hadleywickham but rmarkdown and knitr have revolutionised my data analysis train of thought so @xieyihui has to be acknowledged as well! ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): Thanks, Alicia Schep, for Digging into knitr Engines @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R OSS (@oss_rlang; 0/0): rmd4j - Knitr Engine for Neo4j ↪
職業、イケメン。Nagi Teramo (@teramonagi; 0/0): rmarkdownとknitrの関係 なる早 ↪
Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): (and again, big big kudos to @xieyihui for #knitr) ↪
Larie (@lariebyrd; 6/0): SUCCESS. Made a presentation using #xaringan by working through @xieyihui wiki documentation and @apreshill super helpful RLadies presentation example. HTML FILE SIZE = SO SMOL. Outlook no longer hates me (I’m looking at you, PowerPoint). #rstats ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): The TAMU Theme for xaringan @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 2/3): And They Closed a Valid Question on StackOverflow Again @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/2): Netlify is Hiring Its First Data Scientist @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): The TAMU Theme for xaringan @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): “Bite-Sized” Pull Requests @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): Thanks, Alicia Schep, for Digging into knitr Engines @xieyihui #rstats #datascience ↪