Jenny Listman (@jblistman; 10/0): 2 wks & 6 deleted repos later, finally made my #blogdown/hugo/@Netlify site w @RLadiesNYC & #rstats community help. TY @apreshill @JonTheGeek @zabormetrics @RobertMylesMc @ProQuesAsker @maureviv & of course @xieyihui ↪
Robert Roberts (@robert_squared; 9/3): First post of new #blogdown blog- A Small Chess Plotting Package. Many thanks for all the likes/rts over the last week ^_^ #rstats ↪
Daniel Hadley (@danielphadley; 7/0): At the @rstudio conference, I asked @xieyihui about converting my old site from Jekyll to Blogdown. He responded, “That’s Chapter 4 of my book.” Sure enough, it only took two functions to convert four years of blog posts to Rmd for my new site: ↪
Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 6/0): @apreshill Dear Alison,
Thank you for putting your blogdown experience down on “paper,” in clear and practical and readable form, to benefit us all. The world is more full of beautiful Rstats blogs because of you!
💚 Jennifer
😉 (and I hope the day got better!) ↪
Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 5/0): Guess who just made the blogdown package be worth 666 stars? 😈👹
#rstats #rstudio ↪
Daniel Hadley (@danielphadley; 4/0): I’m feeling very grateful for the whole history of static site generators, from the creation of markdown to the current @Netlify / Blogdown / @Rstudio combo. For the first time, I own my content on the web, and I’m confident it will be forward compatible. ↪
Mareviv (@maureviv; 2/0): @jblistman @Netlify @RLadiesNYC @apreshill @JonTheGeek @zabormetrics @RobertMylesMc @ProQuesAsker @xieyihui @hivickylai you can add your blog to this list if you want:, by @sellorm ↪
Michael Lopez (@StatsbyLopez; 1/0): @StatsInTheWild @AmeliaMN @minebocek Blogdown (at least mine is). I used this tutorial via @apreshill ↪
Jinyi Hung (@JinyiHung; 0/0): has a great tutorial for building a website with R #blogdown. My odd is that I keep failing to build one with a complex theme like academic (e.g., push commits to github, deployment in netlify) but it works just fine with a simple theme like hugo-xmin. 🤔 ↪
Houston H. Haynes (@HoustonHHaynes; 0/0): @ClausWilke For sure. I saw a blog post about it (written with blogdown, natch) that clued me in. 😊 That’s my weekend project. ↪
Noam Ross (@noamross; 3/2): Ah, found it in
#rstats ↪
Noam Ross (@noamross; 2/2): Can #rstats #bookdown chapters be ordered using a config file, rather than filenames? So I don’t have to rename all my files whenever I re-arrange or insert a chapter in the middle of a book? ↪
Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 1/0): @noamross You can specify that in the _bookdown.yml file. For example - ↪
Symbolix (@symbolixAU; 0/0): Just found a great little example of producing multiple report outputs from the one set of analysis scripts using #rstats and #bookdown ↪
Roberto Alsina primero de su nombre rey de los ánd (@ralsina; 1/0): Pero uno de mis “bebés” es mucho mas popular que yo (por suerte) … Dynamic documents with R and Knitr … ↪
Chris Fonnesbeck (@fonnesbeck; 0/0): Has anyone had success using knitr with @code ? ↪
Will Petry (@oecodynamics; 0/0): @polesasunder @hadleywickham Can an Rmd document be set up to easily toggle between inline & end fig placement? Best clunky work around I can think of would be to have the figure printing chunks in both places, then toggle which chunks to evaluate at the beginning of the document. ↪
Youssef bencharyfah (@Youssefbenchar1; 0/0): mr fou - pronto ghanjiw ( ft Rémix knitr ) vía @YouTube ↪
Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @jpmarindiaz Also, RNeo4J relies on a deprecated API endpoint, doesn’t give back the stats from transactions, and most of all, doesn’t return graph objects that can be parsed to igraph, visnetwork and such (which is crucial to the implementation of a knitr engine based on Neo4J). ↪
Will Petry (@oecodynamics; 0/0): @polesasunder @hadleywickham Can an Rmd document be set up to easily toggle between inline & end fig placement? Best clunky work around I can think of would be to have the figure printing chunks in both places, then toggle which chunks to evaluate at the beginning of the document. ↪