Reigo Hendrikson (@ReigoHendrikson; 7/1): Use blogdown::shortcode() to embed tweets, videos, etc in your #blogdown blog posts. #rstats #shortcode #2 ↪
Nathania Johnson 🧙♀️ data witch (@nlj; 3/2): What a weekend. I learned #blogdown and (w/ help from husband @jnjosh) set up my new data blog plus made my first GitHub commits. #rstats #datascience #dataviz #data (I’m a new witch, pls be kind.) ↪
N. Clement Weather (@znmeb; 1/0): @mpane21 @Stat_Ron @Silver_Stats @octonion And there are tools for journal articles (“rticles”), blogs (“blogdown”), eBooks (“bookdown”), etc. ↪
Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 1/0): New blogdown post: datascience goals for september ! ↪
注意欠陥多動性兄さん (@rakugou; 0/0): 今はてブにしているのは、Markdownで書けて、リンクのはめ込みがよかったという理由なのだが、Blogdownだとどうなんでしょうというところがある。画像もそこそこあるので使い勝手が気になる。 ↪
N. Clement Weather (@znmeb; 1/0): @mpane21 @Stat_Ron @Silver_Stats @octonion And there are tools for journal articles (“rticles”), blogs (“blogdown”), eBooks (“bookdown”), etc. ↪
(’’ )Santiago( ‘’) (@Cesar_Sgo; 8/6): Una manera apropiada de hacer notas es incrustando código R en LaTeX, la librería knitr() como resultado un documento con nivel #rstats ↪
Michael Pane (@mpane21; 5/0): @Stat_Ron @Silver_Stats @octonion RMarkdown / knitr supports:
R, Python, SQL, Bash, Rcpp, Stan, JavaScript, and CSS ↪
x-gable🍋 (@gableingaround; 3/0): @octonion R markdown and knitr support Latex ↪
N. Clement Weather (@znmeb; 1/0): @mpane21 @Stat_Ron @Silver_Stats @octonion It can also support custom language engines - Julia, for example. RStudio / R Markdown / knitr are optimized for document creation. ↪
N. Clement Weather (@znmeb; 1/0): @octonion There are decent ones, though nothing that absolutely looks as good as something made with LyX / LaTeX. R Markdown / knitr / RStudio is what I use now. ↪
Alexander Antonison (@adantonison; 0/0): @ChangLeeTW It’s for a group project and we are already partially through the paper so pretty committed to LaTeX. We are using Overleaf but will check out ShareLaTeX! I am a huge fan of RMarkdown and Knitr, discovered it a month ago and I’ve used it for a few projects. ↪