“R is very much like a relationship. Like relationships, there are two major truths to R programming” (https://t.co/4AXae3LbOw) https://t.co/V6NU8PGjx0



Emerson Del Ponte (@edelponte; 5/0): Fully renovated using #blogdown @GoHugoIO website with a News Blog section. https://t.co/FeEkP73MBH

ronny Hdez-mora (@RonnyHdezM; 3/0): Y ya con página a partir del paquete de R blogdown: https://t.co/5NXjLLA0Qm 😬 Allí estaré subiendo información, charlas y mini-tutoriales sobre R. ¡Pasen a darse la vuelta!

Daniel Anderson (@DJAnderson_07; 1/0): As promised, a post about this journey. Which was… long and confusing. https://t.co/cYxot4RtZ0 #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/QCVwoZ2DqE


Amy Orben (@OrbenAmy; 16/4): “R is very much like a relationship. Like relationships, there are two major truths to R programming” (https://t.co/4AXae3LbOw) https://t.co/V6NU8PGjx0

hrbrmstr (@hrbrmstr; 0/0): @Triamus1 @ApacheDrill the bookdown book is def not done and you’re 100% invited to chip in w/full attribution. Wld love to have more folks contribute!

izak dz (@dbsleak; 0/0): Rendering Appendix Figure Numbers in Bookdown https://t.co/2LF25XSNDT https://t.co/SewK2HXwma


izak dz (@dbsleak; 0/0): knitr – error when importing python module https://t.co/gXra6yAvLT