@EpiEllie @travisgerke @societyforepi @SER_SPC @ProfessorIsIn It is easy to build (and maintain) your website and blogs, see this thread: https://t.co/qiJOGteWpp. I’m currently in a transition phase from wordpress to blogdown, and already very impressed by blogdown



Maarten van Smeden (@MaartenvSmeden; 5/1): @EpiEllie @travisgerke @societyforepi @SER_SPC @ProfessorIsIn It is easy to build (and maintain) your website and blogs, see this thread: https://t.co/qiJOGteWpp.
I’m currently in a transition phase from wordpress to blogdown, and already very impressed by blogdown β†ͺ

Jennifer Snape (@JenniferSnape; 4/0): Finally moved my blog from wordpress to the R blogdown framework! Does this make me a real R blogger now…?! #rstats #blogdown #blogging #datascience
https://t.co/dcyxc6E2JF β†ͺ

Maria L Filippetti (@filippetti_ml; 1/0): @v_lamarche πŸ™πŸ» It’s actually pretty straightforward (and if I can, everyone can!). I used #blogdown and there are many templates and themes available to get you started. β†ͺ

Sam Clifford (@samclifford; 0/0): Been reinstalling everything since moving from a Windows-based laptop to a MacBook. Blogdown/hugo now works properly, but I have to re-figure out how to do the submodule trick to push my /public folder from the blog content repo to the https://t.co/q7zYmoPLKw repo. β†ͺ


hrbrmstr (@hrbrmstr; 3/0): Said addin has a sibling “purl Rmd” entry which uses “knitr::purl()” (h/t @yoniceedee) vs ‘cloc::cloc()’.

They both have a second cousin (on their mum’s side) entry to produce cloc metrics for an active #rstats package project: https://t.co/QJbIfYU81T β†ͺ

hrbrmstr (@hrbrmstr; 1/0): @yoniceedee aye. knitr::extract_raw_output() (IIRC)

Mine is just cloc-specific. β†ͺ

yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 1/0): @hrbrmstr tangle=TRUE https://t.co/vrp5Kl8g33 β†ͺ

yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 0/0): @hrbrmstr Isnt there a fn in knitr that does that? β†ͺ