【NINJA TECH】⚔ With two column slides, one technique is to display the code and the other is to show the result of the code. (using the ref.label option) #rstats #xaringan 👺 https://t.co/r10iTwBQav



Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 8/5): Blinging up your website built with #hugo via #blogdown #rstats package | Statistical Genetics https://t.co/yPatPKDHJe https://t.co/B2MyMt1hCp

Ilja (@fubits; 2/0): So I wrote something on debugging @xieyihui’s #blogdown with #hugo [i.e. when blogdown::serve_site() fails] from the perspective of an #Rstats Windows user, but I’m sure this also might be helpful to some. Srsly inspired by the #TidyTuesday / #R4DS spirit! https://t.co/QSWO0oNJLE

Brenborbs (@brenborbon; 1/2): Just made my blog using #blogdown in R. That’s it for this week. I will need a lot time tinkering it. Cool huh! https://t.co/sPZSwWNz1w #rstats

Tim Feeney (@Tfeend; 0/0): Check out my new website that I made in R using Blogdown. It is most certainly a work in progress, but at least its a start :-)


Jack Dougherty (@DoughertyJack; 0/0): Q for @electricarchaeo and others: when authoring with plain-text editor, what method do you use to insert BibTex cites from Zotero? I saw the general idea here but am looking for more detail https://t.co/VpWLiux8Rl


niszet* (@niszet0; 1/0): 久々に書いた。解決方法ご存知の方は教えてください…。 #はてなブログ
(R) skimrのヒストグラムがwindows上のknitr下ではうまく表示されない(未解決) - niszetの日記

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): あれ?今気づいたけど、r emo::ji("smile")はknitr環境でもちゃんと表示されるな…。

BlueBear (@spottheoutlier; 0/0): @ahobby9 I used to use #Sweave but now there is #Rmarkdown and #knitr , which are easy to use in #Rstudio

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): ちょっとだけ修正(、の位置とか) #はてなブログ
(R) skimrのヒストグラムがwindows上のknitr下ではうまく表示されない(未解決) - niszetの日記


Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 15/5): 【NINJA TECH】⚔ With two column slides, one technique is to display the code and the other is to show the result of the code. (using the ref.label option) #rstats #xaringan 👺 https://t.co/r10iTwBQav