9 Haziran’da @berkorbay ile R Markdown + Blogdown anlatıyoruz! 🤓 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Mekan sponsorumuz @DomeIstanbul ve ikram sponsorumuz @ConnectedVivaKi ‘ye çok teşekkürler! 🙌 https://t.co/XjfUKJ5Q4B



R-Ladies Istanbul (@RLadiesIstanbul; 11/3): 9 Haziran’da @berkorbay ile R Markdown + Blogdown anlatıyoruz! 🤓 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Mekan sponsorumuz @DomeIstanbul ve ikram sponsorumuz @ConnectedVivaKi ‘ye çok teşekkürler! 🙌 https://t.co/XjfUKJ5Q4B

Jason Timm (@JasonTimm13; 2/2): Just letting folks know about a new #rstats blog/site built with #blogdown and #hugo. https://t.co/5MurSpBBAV. Content focuses on #corpuslinguistics, #digitalhumanities, and some sociodemographic odds/ends using the lovely #tidycensus package.

#linguistics #UNM

R-Ladies Atlanta (@RLadiesAtlanta; 1/1): We’re introducing how to build a website with #RStudio and #blogdown
#rstats #RLadies #RLadiesATL https://t.co/zVlMqhFIrt

Ilja (@fubits; 1/1): Here’s something handy: „Popular Screen Resolutions: Designing for All“ #webdev #blogdown https://t.co/hbSDpeMZ67

kazutan (@kazutan; 1/0): @yutannihilation blogdownというか、hugoだとこの辺が参考になるかもです

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 1/0): @kazutan 「blogdownユーザのためのGDPR入門」という解説記事を待ってます!! https://t.co/x2pN1upWGM

kos59125 (@kos59125; 0/0): @kazutan @yutannihilation blogdown で対象とするのが個人ブログのことを言っているのであれば、 GDPR は適用外のはずですが。

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): How to prevent blogdown from rerendering all posts? https://t.co/WbIdEb6aVu


Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 1/0): @AwfulDodger @Baileyensis @Microsoft Right now if I had to write a thesis I’d be writing in Pandoc markdown or #bookdown with a little LaTeX if I need equations.

Jack Dougherty (@DoughertyJack; 0/0): Q for @electricarchaeo @lincolnmullen and others: Any wisdom before I take big leap into https://t.co/U4ZYkhM6N5? Seems to meet my needs for simpler workflow for open-access book publishing: Markdown text, Zotero/BetterBibTex cites, embed iframe charts/maps, host all on GitHub.


Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 1/1): Nice #rstats #knitr function. Include the full path to the source .Rmd file in the knitted document with knitr::current_input(dir = TRUE) for something like this https://t.co/DQIiUGpBbK

Zachary Burchill (@zachburchill; 1/0): Want figures and text in Latex to stay in the order you wrote them in R Markdown? Check out how I used #knitr’s hooks to make it easy: https://t.co/huGE5x1DFL #rstats

Bob Muenchen (@BobMuenchen; 0/0): Nice example of R models going into MS Word tables https://t.co/CwJOEg6ePa #rstats #statistics

Josef Fruehwald (@JoFrhwld; 0/0): @_dmh I think I’ve solved it. Knitr is just picky about closing your img tags

Josef Fruehwald (@JoFrhwld; 0/0): Ugh, it has something to do with the knitr cache. Breaking the cache fixes the slide. Didn’t realize the cache involved anything outside the code chunks?

あいろん (@tesutaterettse; 0/0): 情報処理センターのパソコンknitr入れられないやんけぇ…


Said Jiménez (@said_meid; 4/0): Lo mejor de preparar clases es hacerlas con R. Usé los paquetes #xaringan, #Rmarkdown y #rstats para hablar sobre inferencia, bootstrapping y otros conceptos, aquí pueden checar la presentación: https://t.co/RjoN2FC2mQ

Eric (@softfuets; 0/0): @Vaaanandbasch naruto mirame a los ohos
dime que me quieres
saske te quiero