Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): I used to worry a lot every time I borked my #blogdown website… I so don’t care anymore. Just post my dumb error on SO, and go about my business. #rstats ↪
Bruno (@brunolucian; 0/0): Yeah blogdown + disqus set up and now I can start blogging again \o/ ↪
Nathaniel D Phillips (@YaRrrBook; 0/0): @katie_riddoch Ah yes, the original pdf version of the book is no longer in development (I think that was where the link you had was going). Stick with the HTML version at or the respective PDF version here :) ↪
R-Ladies Montevideo (@RLadiesMVD; 4/1): Nuestro encuentro es hoy!! Te esperamos para el taller de #rmarkdown. Traé tu compu e instalá #tidyverse, #knitr y #rmarkdown si aún no los tenés.
Confirmá tu asistencia en #RladiesLatAm ↪
João Cascalheira (@JoaoCascalheira; 1/0): @dasaptaerwin @annakrystalli @NunofBicho What’s submitted is not the Rdm but a .doc or .pdf knitr output. Sure about the template! That’s the whole point of a reproducible compendium. ↪