Ron Yurko (@Stat_Ron; 47/16): Second #blogdown post in my #BayesianBabySteps series - intro to using Laplace approximation to model #NFL score differentials, determining the value of passing efficiency relative to rushing with EPA from #nflscrapR and the effect of strong priors #rstats ↪
Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 46/7): Thanks so much to @apreshill 😎 for this Stack Overflow answer which allowed me AT LONG LAST to get the whole content of my blog posts into my RSS feeds (instead of the Hugo default summary bits): ↪
Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 4/1): The wbstats #rstats package for accessing World Bank data WORKS JUST LIKE IN THE VIGNETTE and his #blogdown post too: thank you @JesseOPiburn for really good documentation 🥳 ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @shahronak47 @dataandme The first time you call blogdown:::serve_site(), you will see the URL in the console (including the port number). See ?servr::server_config for more info about the port number. When things don’t work in RStudio Viewer, always try a real browser. ↪
RONAK SHAH (@shahronak47; 1/1): @xieyihui @dataandme How can we embed tweets with images in blogdown ? When I do blogdown::shortcode(’tweet’, ‘1014492923981803521’) it renders the tweet however, the image is not shown , it gives URL of the image “pic.twitter.123xyz” and doesn’t render the image itself. #rstats ↪
RONAK SHAH (@shahronak47; 1/0): @dataandme @xieyihui yes, I saw this post of yours and it has got all the tweets with images. . I am previewing it in R Studio viewer actually, so I don’t think any browser extension would conflict? ↪
Murray David Neuzerling (@mdneuzerling; 1/0): Can I just say how super easy it was to set up a website with Blogdown? Excluding some super specific hosting requirements, I could have had my site running and with SSL in 1–2 hours, with little prior experience. That’s just good quality software. ↪
Bruna Wundervald (@bwundervald; 1/0): @MiguelCos Nice! There is a great tutorial by @apreshill, available here: ↪
Bruna Wundervald (@bwundervald; 1/0): @MiguelCos Are you familiar with blogdown and/or the hugo academic theme? Some examples of websites built with this theme are and ↪
Miguel Cosenza (@MiguelCos; 0/0): @SotilloJavi That’s an interesting option. It seems like it doesn’t require to configure anything such as blogdown or Hugo. Am I right? ↪
Miguel Cosenza (@MiguelCos; 0/0): @bwundervald Hello Bruna. I know about blogdown and Hugo but I’m still about to learn how to start and maintain the blog. I will take a look at yours and hopefully gather some ideas. Thanks! ↪
RONAK SHAH (@shahronak47; 0/0): @xieyihui @dataandme Thanks for the info. This is the first time I am using blogdown. :) ↪
RONAK SHAH (@shahronak47; 0/0): @dataandme @xieyihui Hugo version - ‘0.42.2’ , Do you use the same code to embed tweets ? blogdown::shortcode(’tweet’, ‘1014493885849010176’) ? ↪
Dan Egan 🤓 (@daniel_egan; 0/0): @fortelabs Markdown with a bit of customization goes a long way. Check out bookdown, for example. ↪
Jonathan Minton (@JonMinton; 1/1): Quick @RStudio tip: if you use markdown in Projects, but don’t want dozens of docs in the base dir, you can put the .rmd docs in a subdir then include the following as first chunk:
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = ‘../’)
(Something I remembered, forgot, and have rediscovered!) ↪
👨🏻💻Scott 👨🏻🔬 (@fusionet24; 1/0): @TheStephLocke @Docker So I’ve done a bunch with plumber, shiny and Knitr.
I’d be interested in anything todo with multi component architectures… like shiny talking to plumber api containers. ↪
Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 15/3): Did you know that @Nike sneaker bikes are taken an hour sooner than standard bikes? Awesome example of 💪🏽 wrangling ➡️ 💪🏽 question @_opelr @BIKETOWNpdx @cascadiarconf @tladeras @old_man_chester @sckottie ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 2/0): So, reveal dot js has cool support for multiplexing presentations
Is there a way to do something similar with remark/xaringan, or does that go beyond the scope of remark? ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @swmpkim @fawda123 Haha, welcome to join us on the rooftops (kind of crowded now): ↪
yufree (@yu_free; 0/0): Same feeling when I read some tutorials ↪
نور سعيد الشاخوري (@nouralshakhouri; 0/0): On “Quick Questions”: ↪