Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 5/2): .@cecilesauder giving a ⚡ talk about her tripdown #rstats 📦, motivated by a recent family trip to NYC 🗽!
Generate a travel blog based on #blogdown! 🛫🚂📸
#RR2018 ↪
Erin Westgate (@ErinWestgate; 2/0): Instructions here, for those like me feeling the envy: ↪
Y. Andre Wang (@andrewang91; 1/0): @ErinWestgate But wait, does blogdown require that we have a server? #PostHocJustifyMode ↪
Javier Sotillo (@SotilloJavi; 1/0): @MiguelCos I’m not famiiar with Hugo or blogdown. Github doesn’t seem too complicated, just a bit of background in coding, but lots of academics use it for their personal website (including CV) too ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @mdneuzerling Four hours on the theme… Well, I have to admit I probably have spent way more than 40 hours on themes of my own websites. ↪
R-Ladies San Diego (@RLadiesSanDiego; 0/0): Meeting TODAY (July 5) at 6:30pm on #blogdown. Hope to see you there! ↪
Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @chrisBowdata Each one has a #blogdown post linked to (or #xaringan slides)- so all code and data should be there 👍🏽 ↪
J. Nathan Matias (@natematias; 0/0): Tempted to try out blogdown, which might help with creating course material for future classes, but that way may also lie madness ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 8/5): Step⇧ your 📖⇩
“R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao #rstats ↪
Erin Westgate (@ErinWestgate; 2/0): Instructions here, for those like me feeling the envy: ↪
R-Ladies Santa Fe (@RLadiesSantaFe; 0/1): El Taller estuvo basado en el Libro “R Programming for Data Science” de @rdpeng Este libro es libre, y lo pueden mirar desde aquí: #rstats ↪
Thomas Pollet (@tvpollet; 7/2): Slides to my #HBES2018 talk (made with @xieyihui ’s Xaringan package): ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 1/0): I guess I really need to learn xaringan/remark now. ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 1/0): SO. Great-ish news! remarksync by @julianobs is super cool and works with xaringan! You can sync presentations á la reveal.js’s multiplexing—like, you can run a slideshow on one device and have others see the progress on their devices! Fantastic stuff. ↪
Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @chrisBowdata Each one has a #blogdown post linked to (or #xaringan slides)- so all code and data should be there 👍🏽 ↪
DavidLawrenceMiller (@millerdl; 0/0): @slderuiter these were made using btw, so should work anywhere RStudio runs :) ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @mdneuzerling Four hours on the theme… Well, I have to admit I probably have spent way more than 40 hours on themes of my own websites. ↪