@hadleywickham I learned from @rdpeng, @bcaffo, @jtleek, @StrictlyStat: use #bookdown to write, @leanpub to publish online (can set the minimum to $0), https://t.co/XBt2UR9A91 for hard copies, and twitter for advertising. Pretty liberating



Andrew Leach πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ (@andrew_leach; 11/0): Current status: planned work day derailed by deciding I need to re-do my website, after finding a book on how to do so by @apreshill. Her site: https://t.co/cxGCHqIPFJ her book: https://t.co/3YdIy2bBmW This counts as a coding day, right? β†ͺ

Ben R. Fitzpatrick (@benrfitzpatrick; 1/2): upcoming talk on #rstats #blogdown @ZurichRUsers should be very interesting for researchers looking to set up a homepage &/ blog to showcase their research. Anyone else from @WSL_research coming? β†ͺ

Michael Lopez (@StatsbyLopez; 1/0): @apreshill it’s as if Blogdown isn’t looking in /static/img for images anymore … β†ͺ

Michael Lopez (@StatsbyLopez; 1/0): @apreshill Sorry for the Blogdown inquiry but it was a late night and an unsolved problem.

The first image code works locally, with image stored in

The second – which is what I’ve always used – doesn’t. Same image is stored in /static/img https://t.co/1nwrcbSn0y β†ͺ

Ξ²en Listyg (@BenListyg; 0/0): Trying to figure out blogdown when you’re half-awake is a bad idea. β†ͺ

🌟em.🌟 (@anyembutme; 0/0): SO. As part of #SoDS18 I said I would make a blog. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I did the thing using #blogdown (and boy was that a learning curve)! When I start my MSc in a few weeks, this will be a great place to document all my learning! β†ͺ

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @StatsbyLopez Can you link to the problem post in your repo? Have you tried knitr::include_graphics(’/img/parity.png’) like here?: https://t.co/e7KdYv2FAU
I am seeing your netlify site loading though https://t.co/8rIk8gJHMQ β†ͺ

Michael Lopez (@StatsbyLopez; 0/0): @apreshill Via github – but backing up, I now can’t seem to load my page, your page, or any other netlify/blogdown page https://t.co/nE3rGzMAZX β†ͺ


Ciprian Crainiceanu (@ciprianstats; 29/11): @hadleywickham I learned from @rdpeng, @bcaffo, @jtleek, @StrictlyStat: use #bookdown to write, @leanpub to publish online (can set the minimum to $0), https://t.co/XBt2UR9A91 for hard copies, and twitter for advertising. Pretty liberating β†ͺ

Andrew Leach πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ (@andrew_leach; 11/0): Current status: planned work day derailed by deciding I need to re-do my website, after finding a book on how to do so by @apreshill. Her site: https://t.co/cxGCHqIPFJ her book: https://t.co/3YdIy2bBmW This counts as a coding day, right? β†ͺ

Colin Fay 🀘 (@_ColinFay; 7/2): πŸ“š How to use #RStats πŸ“¦ bookdown (and other tools) to self-publish a book :
https://t.co/ZI5vbOevr2 https://t.co/lpl6WziG4u β†ͺ

Rβ“ͺss Mounce (@rmounce; 3/1): Kudos @omearabrian too! Not one, but two open access textbooks on phylogenetic comparative methods in 2018. Wow! https://t.co/qGqIDZ215w https://t.co/7N7JMOv170 β†ͺ

Sahir Rai Bhatnagar (@syfi_24; 3/0): First (and probably last time) I get travis to build without any errors on the first try. It’s a good day. #travisci #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/lPGqP5XDNB β†ͺ

Jonathan Weisberg (@jweisber; 1/0): Also continuing: my love affair with #bookdown, #rmarkdown, and all things #knitrrific. β†ͺ

🌍 Phil (@philmikejones; 1/0): .@rstudio suggestion: when building a bookdown document and it says ‘Quitting from lines 599-611 (_main.Rmd)’, click to open _main.Rmd at that line? Thanks for your time. β†ͺ

Tad Dallas (@taddallas; 1/0): @hadleywickham Maybe the next version of bookdown will allow the insertion of ads? πŸ˜‰ β†ͺ

Brydon Parker (@parker_brydon; 0/0): R Markdown: ioslides The Definitive Guide https://t.co/I3nbJ0p5D6
Knit R markdown to slides β†ͺ


Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @StatsbyLopez Can you link to the problem post in your repo? Have you tried knitr::include_graphics(’/img/parity.png’) like here?: https://t.co/e7KdYv2FAU
I am seeing your netlify site loading though https://t.co/8rIk8gJHMQ β†ͺ


One R Package a Day (@RLangPackage; 9/5): xaringan - Create HTML5 slides with R Markdown and the JavaScript library ‘remark.js’ (<https://t.co/jGPQjA3Hd7>). #rstats https://t.co/XxkCSSocNn β†ͺ

Clayton Yochum (@claytonyochum; 4/1): tidyverse, rmarkdown, xaringan #rstats https://t.co/r75ksX60qS β†ͺ