🔮 how to, with just a bit of {magick}… “Add RStudio Community to your blog’s social links” 👨‍💻 @tycbrad https://t.co/uLZshqzRgY #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JX3TjWYEs2



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 21/6): 🔮 how to, with just a bit of {magick}…
“Add RStudio Community to your blog’s social links” 👨‍💻 @tycbrad
https://t.co/uLZshqzRgY #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JX3TjWYEs2

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 21/4): ✅ Poster done and printed (digifab is so fab!) ✅ #rladies #blogdown slide ✅ Talk on datavis (no I lie, I’m not done yet …)
Looking forward to Melbourne & #ISCBASC tomorrow! 😄 https://t.co/ZLK1qwzqxF

Philip Khor (@philip_khor; 6/2): did a quick viz after setting up my blogdown site https://t.co/KujlZbWJ4L https://t.co/Zbn7459Dqm

Sam Clifford (@samclifford; 3/0): Finally getting around to blogging again after making a move to the other side of the world. Now, to reacquaint myself with blogdown and github modules.

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 2/0): If you use #rstats, a package like bookdown allows you to make a dynamic report that lives online, with an option for folks to download a PDF version if they are so inclined. See https://t.co/Xs9YxNdca1 https://t.co/FffWMstwgo

J. Colomb, @pen (@j_colomb; 2/0): put my hugo website, created with blogdown #rstat on @dat_project,
thanks dat gitter folk, @taravancil and vincent ahrend (https://t.co/JdY9ikdn5p)
for the help.
check it out dat://rdmpromotion.hashbase.io/

Franz Krah (@Franz_Krah; 1/0): Has anyone managed to have #altmetric score in #blogdown? (I’ using theme academic) This is how it could be included: https://t.co/hOb1R2YHTb #Rstats


EcoDataScience (@ecodatasci; 18/1): More congratulations are in order - @DanOvand0 recently gave his dissertation defense! His presentation was full of #rstats ggplots 📊and even had chapter-specific hexes! Bonus: he used #bookdown to write his thesis! 💯🙌


Congrats Dan!! https://t.co/H3Wpw0OLbK

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 13/1): @philmikejones @rstudio Good suggestion. I guess I can do even better than that. Could you file an issue to https://t.co/jWRRtuCsY3 so I won’t forget it? Thanks!

Dan Ovando (@DanOvand0; 12/4): @sfgucsb Thanks everybody! Excited to keep collaborating with you all from my new stomping grounds in the Pacific Northwest. And thanks to #bookdown, for those of you in need of a serious sleep aid you can check out my dissertation here https://t.co/G7fDJfcKpW

Dan Ovando (@DanOvand0; 4/0): @ecodatasci Thanks! Now that I’ve emerged from the dissertation cave, blog-post on the process of writing a dissertation in #rstats/#bookdown coming shortly, takes some up-front work but definitely worth it

🌍 Phil (@philmikejones; 3/0): @dataandme @xieyihui @rstudio Done: https://t.co/dCr0o0WDQb Thanks for an awesome package. I don’t like to open an issue cold because the language around ‘issue’ makes it sound like a problem. At least this way you know it’s coming!

Data Science Heroes (@DataSciHeroes; 2/1): Self-publish a book can be easier than you think🧐: “How to self-publish a book”:

👉https://t.co/YWt3oCyVjT 📗

A list of useful resources aimed to self-publish a book on Amazon using #Bookdown✒️ by @pabloc_ds

#Rstats #MachineLearning #selfpublish https://t.co/P8eZZ9RCrV

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @taddallas @hadleywickham You don’t need to wait for the next version. You can insert anything you like to every page of your book. Here is an example of inserting a comment area: https://t.co/DKOw3Q4Fm2

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 2/0): If you use #rstats, a package like bookdown allows you to make a dynamic report that lives online, with an option for folks to download a PDF version if they are so inclined. See https://t.co/Xs9YxNdca1 https://t.co/FffWMstwgo

Dr. Ryan Straight (@RyanStraight; 1/0): I love Bookdown. So. Much.

Andrew Kniss (@WyoWeeds; 1/0): So now you can click a link and BAM! you got a 148 page pdf with all the same information we’ve put on the web. Again, all because of the work of @xieyihui making it super easy to do with the bookdown package.

Andrew Kniss (@WyoWeeds; 1/0): The bookdown #rstats package by @xieyihui made creating the updated website super easy - but also automatically creates PDF and ePub versions of the ENTIRE Site!

Brian Caffo (@bcaffo; 1/0): @rdpeng @hadleywickham @ciprianstats @jtleek @StrictlyStat @leanpub They will host an html version that they create (eg https://t.co/sWQ2Evg85N) , but you have to write it in their markdown version (kramdown I think?). I think the sweet spot is writing in bookdown, hosting your own html and then offering the pdf, epub and mobi on leanpub

Matthew Hendrickson (@mjhendrickson; 0/0): @CMastication @rstudio It sure is! There are even so many great R texts (https://t.co/vxdoQeVi2w for example). But it’s nearly info overload. I’d say that as long as the reader can follow the thread and have all the info in one place, great. Being pointed to useful content if desired is a plus.

Kamarul Imran (kim) (@kamarul_imran; 0/0): Looking for help to customize the title for #pdf_book using #krantz style in #rstats #bookdown . The complete question is here https://t.co/gjbVmZQqQL


mementonature (@mementonature; 9/1): I am overwhelmed wrote more than 1300 lines of #code and wrapped it up in #rmarkdown documents and it worked perfectly. The best is the results look promising #rstats #phdlife #knitr #phdchat https://t.co/jW8BDkC31O

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 6/0): @apreshill @djnavarro ```{r}
``` https://t.co/mbmMeccbcf

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @cantabile @djnavarro https://t.co/frPysU0lDx https://t.co/DiVvvdSuAb

Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 2/1): Create GIFs with gifski in knitr Documents - Yihui Xie #rstats https://t.co/DMgxDdeJky

Sergio Felperin (@SergioFelperin; 2/0): @wsosaescudero Dos cosas modernas: documentos colaborativos con google docs, documentos ejecutables tipo lo que se puede hacer en r con knitr.

Brendan Knapp (@knapply_; 0/0): Title Proposal: “143-slide Rmarkdown Advertisement”.

These issues are totally foreign to me because you’d have to go out of your way to render a report with knitr in anything but a totally clean environment.

I still don’t get why anyone uses Jupyter. What does it do better? https://t.co/O9xDvzfEic

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): tidyverse
knitr https://t.co/EUlor8qPjI


Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 2/0): @cantabile I think it was an iframe html element. I made the slides using https://t.co/mYVbAtJ08p but I imagine you could do the same trick by in xaringan, right?

playboy #KauanVive 👼 (@l_alves98; 1/0): @giulyamaia Eu lanço logo um xaringan e separo a briga

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/0): @cantabile @djnavarro Have not attempted in xaringan but worth a shot!

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 0/0): Hey @djnavarro, in your awesome useR keynote, you had a slide that previewed a webpage, if I recall. Trying to figure out how to do it now.

Did you make it in xaringan? Is it just a screenshot? Is the script for the keynote available on your github?


Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 2/1): Create GIFs with gifski in knitr Documents - Yihui Xie #rstats https://t.co/DMgxDdeJky

Abidjan R users (@AbidjanRusers; 1/2): Aujourd’hui A Tour Through the R Markdown Ecosystem avec @xieyihui

Mark Greenaway (@certifiedwaif; 1/0): @thomasp85 @djnavarro @cantabile I’m using the Homebrew version of R, which wants to build things from source. There’s a blog post addressing this issue: https://t.co/S38vD6vEgW Perhaps I can get around it