I finally boarded the Xaringan train, and including my own CSS… 🎉. Super resources and inspiration: https://t.co/SqDB6cviyN, https://t.co/3gJ0asiMbs, https://t.co/c4dP6QwPWZ https://t.co/ExRS5Hze9G



Sr. Koala (@zegim; 12/7): Amiguitos, por fin está terminado el libro “R para principiantes” que escribí 🤓

Es una introducción al lenguaje de programación R, pueden leerlo y descargarlo sin costo alguno (y de paso señalarme todos los typos que aun no corrijo)


Suman Khanal (@sumandata; 1/0): Sidebar is not rendered in #bookdown in ePub format. #help
#rstats https://t.co/hnWrV2JHvD

niszet📚技術書典5 い04 (@niszet0; 0/0): kfigrってcross reference用のパッケージがあったのね。でもちょっと古い(更新されていない)多分動くと思うが、bookdownとかのデフォの相互参照でよいだろうね。はよdocx対応しないかなぁ。

Irshaad Vawda (@irshaadv; 0/0): I’m a #rmarkdown and #bookdown newbie. Anyone know how I could use the Tufte style but with 1) numbered headings and 2) a left column of table of contents? (like the Gitbook style)

cc @xieyihui


Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 1/0): @mdneuzerling @CMastication And it shouldn’t be too hard at all to automate the file extension bit. Probably in the yaml and extend knitr a tad. Almost 💯sure there’ll be an option to control the file extension. Or a 📦

Bill Gardner (@Bill_Gardner; 0/1): @haroldpollack knitr / rmarkdown have changed how I work.


Suzan Baert (@SuzanBaert; 22/0): I finally boarded the Xaringan train, and including my own CSS… 🎉. Super resources and inspiration: https://t.co/SqDB6cviyN, https://t.co/3gJ0asiMbs, https://t.co/c4dP6QwPWZ https://t.co/ExRS5Hze9G

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 1/0): @dataandme Kiddos know Xaringan and Git I trust.

Fabio Votta (@FabioFavusMaxim; 1/0): @SuzanBaert Xaringan <3

Wish I could attend SatRday!

Dr. Ryan Straight (@RyanStraight; 0/0): Spent most of the afternoon working on a Xaringan presentation template. Am aaalllllmost there. It’s very Arizona-ish.