Here is the link to my slides @iscbasc2018 about #dataviz 😊 The slides was made using #xaringan #rstats package! I’ll clean up my css file and submit the theme if you want to use it!



R-CRAFT.ORG (@R_Craft_Org; 0/0): Moving my blog to blogdown

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): 表が見にくいからbootstrap使いたかったのにい。
In theory, you can also apply Bootstrap styles to Hugo websites, but it will require you to learn more about Hugo.


Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 6/0): 1st class today; pushing new edits to my #rstats class lab guide made with #bookdown to github right now. fingers crossed…

R-Ladies Tampa (@RLadiesTampa; 4/0): Alright folks! @TheGinaGi will be teaching Get Down with Bookdown! She’s been using it for classwork all summer. And come see our new space in #Ybor at the Entrepreneur Collaborative Center! 10AM on 9/8!
#RStats #RLadies #Diversity

Christopher Harms 🇪🇺 (@chrisharms; 4/0): I fear, it’s finally time to actually starting writing this Dissertation thing… Will give bookdown a try and probably start screaming at it in 10 minutes…

Gina G. (@TheGinaGi; 3/0): People! Come see me present Get Down with BookDown! We’re in a cool new space in #Ybor and at the Entrepreneur Collaborative Center!
#RStats #RLadies #Diversity

philomat(h)e (@philomate; 2/0): @Tiibo @MedecineLibre Je finalise mon mémoire et pour cette occasion j’ai testé bookdown. Je conseille+++
bcp de progrès depuis mon essai avec rmarkdown il y a presque 2 ans.
Ça permet de faire un pdf avec un rendu LaTeX sans faire de LaTeX 😇

Santiago Mota (@mota_santiago; 0/0): How to self-publish a book with R: Customizing Bookdown

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): 表が見にくいからbootstrap使いたかったのにい。
In theory, you can also apply Bootstrap styles to Hugo websites, but it will require you to learn more about Hugo.


Jeremy Foote (@jdfoote; 4/0): Most of the people in my lab (@comdatasci) use Python -> R -> LaTeX/knitr.

knitr has a learning curve, but in my opinion it’s well worth it. As an example, see the instructions for reproducing our book chapter -

Gabe Becker (@groundwalkergmb; 2/0): @MattOldach @hspter Scripts are more reusable (though packages are more so @hspter :p ) than knitr docs. Also I believe not all code is necessarily emitted into the final document depending on chunk settings.

Matt Wiley (@matt_math; 1/1): Hiring a Research Analyst I. While post doesn’t mention #rstats explicitly, that is an equivalent skill. #Roracle helps as does #knitr and #SQL is vital. VC is a #GreatCollegeToWorkFor

Edgardo 💡⚙️🛠☕️ (@ed19741; 0/0): Multiple ggplots printed to a single page in knitr


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 21/3): Here is the link to my slides @iscbasc2018 about #dataviz 😊 The slides was made using #xaringan #rstats package! I’ll clean up my css file and submit the theme if you want to use it!

Mark Greenaway (@certifiedwaif; 7/0): Finally learning some Xaringan. Late to the RMarkdown party. #rstats #rmarkdown

Mark Greenaway (@certifiedwaif; 2/0): So I got the point of xaringan in, like, thirty seconds. Should have tried this much earlier …

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): Presentacion

Di zhang (@archidisign; 0/0): Just read this very personal and well-written post by @xieyihui about his depression earlier during his career. It is amazing that someone as successful as him had so many inner demons.