Finally create my own website using blogdown after attending @statsgen blogdown workshop a month ago 😆 Thanks Emi!



Yingxin Lin (@LinYingxin; 15/1): Finally create my own website using blogdown after attending @statsgen blogdown workshop a month ago 😆 Thanks Emi!

David F. Severski (@dseverski; 3/0): @Samantha_Toet Not exclusive to Netlify (I personally use S3 buckets and CloudFront), but blogdown makes writing posts in (r)markdown a dream!

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 2/0): @MattOldach @LinYingxin Not the same one that Yingxin went (tbh I think she learned most herself): although I would recommend @apreshill’s slides (link also in my slides):

Sam Clifford (@samclifford; 2/0): @dseverski @Samantha_Toet I like using blogdown because I like to put references, graphs and the occasional bit of maths in my blog posts.

Yingxin Lin (@LinYingxin; 1/0): @statsgen @MattOldach @apreshill @statsgen your slides are very clear and easy to follow for a blogdown beginner like me 😉

Hao Ye (@Hao_and_Y; 1/0): @AlwaysScientist Tell everyone to bring their laptops and be ready for some blogdown? [and schedule the pizza to arrive 15 minutes after start of session ;) ]


Home Juice Company Publishing (@HomeJuiceCo; 1/0): How to self-publish a book: Customizing Bookdown

🍃Eric Scott (@LeafyEricScott; 0/2): #rstats #bookdown twitter: Is there a way to highlight parts of code chunks? Not code syntax highlighting, but highlighting for emphasis. I vaguely remember seeing a way to do this in the past, but I’m having no luck googling it.

KouYuanYuan (@KouYuanYuan; 0/0): Bookdown contest submission: a template for Copernicus academic journals

Irshaad Vawda (@irshaadv; 0/0): @rstudio Hi there. Any good links on how to customize bookdown styles? In particular I want to add heading numbers in the Tufte style, and a table on contents column. Newbie here!

Irshaad Vawda (@irshaadv; 0/0): trying this again: any links on how to begin to customize a bookdown style? (newbie here)



iiiaui (@iiiaui; 1/1): なんとかrmarkdownにこだわりたいものの、Internet Explorerがデフォルトの人たちが多いので、knitするならhtmlよりはwordがよさげで、だけどwordだと表の表現が貧弱で参るのですが、knitr::kable()以外の手段を探してたら1時間溶けた…よさげなソリューションありませんか…?? #rstats #rmarkdown

Christopher Eliot (@chreliot; 1/0): @SilasTittes Why not use Knitr to produce Markdown from your .rmd? Then you have loads of options for submitting to journals, including e.g. .docx or .rtf vía Pandoc.

R StackOverflow (@r_stackoverflow; 0/0): R Markdown conditionals for knitting HTML vs PDF [Votes: 2] #r #rmarkdown #knitr


Jason Hilton (@J_D_Hilton; 0/0): Anyone have any thoughts on which of the many html presentation formats is best with rmarkdown? ioslides, xaringan, slidy, revealjs? They all seem very similar. Don’t mind fiddling with a bit of css.