“The First Notebook War” @xieyihui reflects on the recent notebook discussions. Helpful post, because it teases out different pieces: human behaviour vs. project objectives vs. tooling, etc. https://t.co/h3oWaejWtK



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 1/0): @d_olivaw @lacion You should add your twitter to your blogdown! That way you can get all the cred! 💯


kigen (@kigtembu; 11/4): #week24 #Tidytuesday @R4DScommunity #rstats #rspatial You will never fear plotting maps once you read the geocomputation book on https://t.co/vroJjOAwwy Population of pets in the US. code available here: https://t.co/ix6mV0Jjzn https://t.co/wluiFIHEE8

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 11/0): @SuzanBaert Glad you found it! For the record, this is documented in Section 7.3.2 of the R Markdown book: https://t.co/afR7a8VEdg

KouYuanYuan (@KouYuanYuan; 0/0): Bookdown contest submission: an R bookdown template for theses of Peking University https://t.co/UMwVOO702Q https://t.co/fOYyULTufl

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 0/0): @CMastication If it saves time or if I can generalize the code and reuse it elsewhere. My most recent project was a bookdown book so the helper scripts mostly enforced consistency over chapters (like plotting themes) or did time consuming stuff.


𝓛𝓾𝓬𝔂::postdoc🌻 (@LucyStats; 11/1): @alexpghayes 🙌 I’ve also used ref.label=knitr::all_labels(), like:

{r all-code, ref.label=knitr::all_labels(), echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE}

Daneel Olivaw (@d_olivaw; 1/0): @tjmahr I’m thinking if a custom knitr hook could add this to your plots if you set something like draft = TRUE on your chunks 🤔

Jamie Lendrum (@jamie_lendrum; 0/0): @lpvera22 @rstatstweet You can use the knitr::kable() function, but you can also do in raw markdown using hyphens…do a Google search for rmarkdown cheat sheet.

Mike K Smith (@MikeKSmith; 0/0): Maybe simpler:
```{r, ref.label=knitr::all_labels(),echo=TRUE,eval=FALSE}
``` https://t.co/Ztc1TfRfND

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 0/0): @sharoz @OSFramework Also .md approach requires you save your figures to a folder. Here’s an example, https://t.co/yUbriqpjCB

Check out “Nick_s_Analysis.md”, it should render the code and figures in github. Check out “Nick_s_Analysis.Rmd” for yaml and knitr setup to output md and figures

David A Knowles (@david_a_knowles; 0/0): @charlesjtinant @invertenerd I’ve had decent luck using pandoc –mathml, any idea how these compare? (knitr may be using pandoc under the hood in which case may be equivalent)


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 11/0): @SuzanBaert Glad you found it! For the record, this is documented in Section 7.3.2 of the R Markdown book: https://t.co/afR7a8VEdg


Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 78/36): “The First Notebook War”
@xieyihui reflects on the recent notebook discussions. Helpful post, because it teases out different pieces: human behaviour vs. project objectives vs. tooling, etc. https://t.co/h3oWaejWtK

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 6/2): Reading @xieyihui’s blog post “The First Notebook War”- did NOT know about “parent” + “child” #rmarkdown docs. I have always used source w/ .R scripts- not sure if this is a superpower or a super-bad idea for me! https://t.co/BN0ilc74FJ 🤱#rstats https://t.co/AyzVZQSTCG

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 1/1): The First Notebook War https://t.co/9RrdTdE7ZO JupyterConで「I Don’t Like Notebooks」という発表があったらしい。尖ってるな。

Data Science PY (@Data_Science_PY; 0/0): The First Notebook War
by @xieyihui
#DataScience #Jupyter #RMarkdown #notebook

Gregory Primosch (@GPrimosch; 0/0): Notebooks by themselves exacerbate the reproducibility crisis; Aginity Amp helps by clearly defining inputs and outputs, and integrating them with an execution engine to ensure that data is processed consistently. https://t.co/vSJ3hEDn7T

Daniel Klotz (@ido87; 0/0): https://t.co/yyeiVYZZv1