Okay I just saw @xieyihui’s post (https://t.co/8o8UUPVKDK) mentioning about knitr:::knit_code and it’s occurred to me that I could do below without repeating the #ggplot codes so many times! Gist is now updated https://t.co/mXw8e7iGnf to reflect this! #rstats https://t.co/1XnWW7qN1Q



Dave Harris (@davidjayharris; 10/0): This looks great. But I wonder how many of these RMarkdown-based systems (bookdown, blogdown, xaringan, radix) will be maintained 5-10 years from now. https://t.co/SscNY7pCaP

R-Ladies Philly (@RLadiesPhilly; 4/4): 👩‍💻 new post on the blog! check out our september meetup recap here: https://t.co/7HMi2y2e6S thanks again @DrScranto for showing us how to make a website using #blogdown!

Felipe Mattioni, MSc (@felipe_mattioni; 4/0): I had some free time today, so I made myself a website with #blogdown #rstats https://t.co/5uxBrrLe7X

kasiek (@KKulma; 2/2): Finally managed to move ALL my #rstats posts to the new #blogdown blog! I feel sentimental looking at my old code and things I wouldn’t do now (or would do differently) but I did a year or so ago! Learning is invisible without a reference point. https://t.co/JgFXMqI1Z5

Sara Stoudt (@sastoudt; 1/0): @KKulma It must be going around. I am at this moment also converting to #blogdown. 😆🥳

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 1/0): @batlander1 Echa un ojo aquí: https://t.co/EjcA5nihSn

dubfrican (@dubfrican; 0/0): Any good beginner #rstats blogdown tutorials out there? Please share thx

Zorro Notorious M. E. B. (@znmeb; 0/0): @DynamicWebPaige @distillpub @TensorFlow @rstudio I just buzzed through the docs - it looks like a nice layer over the base R Markdown. I’ve used Blogdown, Bookdown and Pkgdown as well as the plain R Markdown websites from version 1.

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 0/0): @batlander1 @GoHugoIO @jekyllrb @gatsbyjs En el manual que he enlazado antes se explica muy bien: https://t.co/jmyqUEk5RC

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 0/0): @batlander1 Nope, está pensado para crear webs y documentos técnicos, con Rmarkdown, LaTeX, citas y referencias automáticas (para que no se le olviden a los doctorandos) 😉. Tiene buena pinta, pero no veo nada que no se pueda hacer ya con blogdown + Hugo por ejemplo.

Peter Smits (@PeterDSmits; 0/0): i’m in the awkward place of wanting to migrate from straight #Hugo to #blogdown.

easy and hard.


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 17/4): 📕 neat #bookdown contest submission for collaboration…
📝 “{backyard} A Web App for Easier Bookdown Collaboration” by @_ColinFay
https://t.co/XBpHMLPfDb #rstats https://t.co/EQpYbWj70b

Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 14/1): For me, it would probably be:

  1. You can globally control the figure type (png, jpeg) with knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = “png”)
  2. You can reference figures/tables using bookdown::pdf2

Dave Harris (@davidjayharris; 10/0): This looks great. But I wonder how many of these RMarkdown-based systems (bookdown, blogdown, xaringan, radix) will be maintained 5-10 years from now. https://t.co/SscNY7pCaP

Rob J Hyndman (@robjhyndman; 8/0): @CMastication @ladbroke @hadleywickham In my view, bookdown changed everything. Hadley’s books are important part of that (and I think some were around before bookdown). But a lot of credit should go to @xieyihui for making it much easier to follow this model.

Linterna Verde (@linterna; 7/1): Para quienes quieren iniciarse en R, el lenguaje de programación estadístico gratuito, les recomendamos este libro abierto de los profes Freddy Hernándenz de la @UNColombia y Cecilia Usuga de la @UdeA 👩🏽‍💻👨🏽‍🏫

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 6/0): @robjhyndman @CMastication @ladbroke @hadleywickham And I’d like to thank @CRC_MathStats too. Starting from my second book with them (i.e. the 2016 bookdown book), all my later books followed this model, and I’ll continue using this model in the future.

Rob J Hyndman (@robjhyndman; 6/0): @CMastication @ladbroke @hadleywickham My first attempt at a website with published book was about 5 years ago (before bookdown existed), although I had planned to do it for at least 5 years before that. Others were doing it before me. A very early example was David Evans’ intro to computing (https://t.co/5wKrngSKws).

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 3/1): @paulgp See here: https://t.co/3l20YwUBtE

There are a couple of features that are unique to each output class, but mostly they map really well across all cases. Also: If you use specify some YAML not available to that class, it should still render fine.

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 1/0): @nj_tierney Don’t put underscores in chunk names. It’ll fudge up references when you inevitably move to bookdown for longer form stuff 😭

Zorro Notorious M. E. B. (@znmeb; 1/0): @DynamicWebPaige @distillpub @TensorFlow I just saw this Radix thing go by - it looks like the Tufte HTML / PDF thing on steroids. I might migrate to Radix from Bookdown.

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 1/0): @paulgp If you decide to get more into html slides a lot of people like xaringan (https://t.co/IZeCA0HD3M), which is a lot easier to customize with the xaringanthemer package (https://t.co/k7aX2lgqoR)

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 1/0): @batlander1 Echa un ojo aquí: https://t.co/EjcA5nihSn

Vicky Steeves (joinmastodon.org) (@VickySteeves; 0/0): Any bookdown folks understand this error?


Theresa Elise Wege (@TheresaWege; 0/0): @nj_tierney @R4DScommunity # header {.tabset} turns all subheadings into tabs when rendering to html. Looks crisp!
https://t.co/RG5Aki73Sd https://t.co/9pSWnRRko2

KouYuanYuan (@KouYuanYuan; 0/0): Bookdown contest submission: an R bookdown template for traditional mails https://t.co/IwKCSbZHhi https://t.co/mWOMXhP9RS

Zorro Notorious M. E. B. (@znmeb; 0/0): @DynamicWebPaige @distillpub @TensorFlow @rstudio I just buzzed through the docs - it looks like a nice layer over the base R Markdown. I’ve used Blogdown, Bookdown and Pkgdown as well as the plain R Markdown websites from version 1.

BESO (@khaledbasuany; 0/0): @KhloodRawag https://t.co/PYoO9VFIDqتحميل-كتاب-الزهد-والرقائق.html
دا كتاب من مؤلفاته ،،،،

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 0/0): @batlander1 @GoHugoIO @jekyllrb @gatsbyjs En el manual que he enlazado antes se explica muy bien: https://t.co/jmyqUEk5RC

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 0/0): An alternative to bookdown, cool, will give a try. https://t.co/oFMAqSP55M


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 22/3): Okay I just saw @xieyihui’s post (https://t.co/8o8UUPVKDK) mentioning about knitr:::knit_code and it’s occurred to me that I could do below without repeating the #ggplot codes so many times! Gist is now updated https://t.co/mXw8e7iGnf to reflect this! #rstats https://t.co/1XnWW7qN1Q

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 16/0): “The sky is your limit when you can program something*”

Truth from @xieyihui (+ knitr tricks from @alexpghayes and @LucyStats) https://t.co/KLgpKgY0F9

Paula Andrea (@orchid00; 15/0): @nj_tierney You can save images in a folder with knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = “../figs/”, fig.width = 11) also I learned quite late to add captions
knitr::kable(caption = “Table 1…”)

Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 14/1): For me, it would probably be:

  1. You can globally control the figure type (png, jpeg) with knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = “png”)
  2. You can reference figures/tables using bookdown::pdf2

Momeneh Foroutan (@S_Foroutan; 12/1): Caitlin automates her reports using #Knitr and #rmarkdown @RLadiesMelb she is super excited about the fact that this is very easy to generate high quality documents in R. https://t.co/o1libFo2Qp

Konrad has read, understood and (@klmr; 5/0): @nj_tierney It also runs on bare .r files rather than .rmd files (via knitr::spin→‹tempfile›→rmarkdown::render). Not as “cute” as the usual RMarkdown workflow but way more useful in practice.

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 4/0): @nj_tierney Think twice before inserting raw html/latex in your Rmd file: your boss will always want another format. Read carefully the pandoc documentation (markdown is powerful) and learn knitr::is_html_output, is_latex_output

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @statsgen Mind, Blown, Again! This is a so very creative use of knitr:::knit_code! I think you don’t have to share the raw link now (since you indented the content): https://t.co/WdPRmBOJCw

Ari Lamstein (@AriLamstein; 2/1): Hey #rstats - I am trying to go from rmarkdown to pdf. The problem is that I have a huge table which knitr is cropping instead of handling nicely (i.e. cutting into multiple lines / pages). Any ideas?

Toilet Strongman (@shabbychef; 1/0): always doing this now:
sal <- dplyr::select
kbl <- knitr::kable

pezholio_ebooks (@pezholio_ebooks; 0/0): Round Table are Right. Knitr too Spot on

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 0/0): @xieyihui Yes you are right. I indented later to embed it in my post here: https://t.co/VKVM2Xpgzi
I’m quite excited to find out about knitr:::knit_code! I’ll try not to be up to no good >:D

Vincent Nijs (@vrnijs; 0/0): @rudeboybert The following also works in Rmarkdown:


It doesn’t seem to work with knitr (1.20) however. @xieyihui Is there a chance this feature could be added to knitr as well?

Eclectikus (@scienceisbeauty; 0/0): @batlander1 No exactamente, presento informes en PDF (RMarkdown + Knitr), pero llevo unos meses flipando con los sitios estáticos (fiabilidad + seguridad + velocidad + adaptativos) y estoy barruntando en montar algo con esas herramientas, específicamente con @GoHugoIO, @jekyllrb o @gatsbyjs

Yasaku (@skys; 0/0): knitr の cache がわからない…。また明日…。


Dave Harris (@davidjayharris; 10/0): This looks great. But I wonder how many of these RMarkdown-based systems (bookdown, blogdown, xaringan, radix) will be maintained 5-10 years from now. https://t.co/SscNY7pCaP

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 4/0): @shoshievass @paulgp PS. Two slick and highly customizable formats that you might want to try: xaringan (https://t.co/uVU90F7QcH) and shower (https://t.co/I9ApZGpcul)

Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth; 2/0): @FrederikAust @JeffRouder @JuliaHaaf cool. nice use of xaringan too. much better than slideshare.

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 2/0): R Markdown + xaringan for slides + Shiny + fiddling a bit with iframes = interactive stuff in a web-based slide deck. Hopefully runs smooth next class. Beats jumping in and out of a presentation to use Shiny apps.

Didzis Elferts (@delferts; 1/0): Nolēmu, ka jāizmēģina R xaringan pakete (https://t.co/MeQ8HI5Pdy) R prezentāciju veidošanai. Secinājums: beidzot jāķeras klāt saturam, jo izskata maiņas iespējas varētu vēl mēģināt dienām.

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 1/0): @paulgp If you decide to get more into html slides a lot of people like xaringan (https://t.co/IZeCA0HD3M), which is a lot easier to customize with the xaringanthemer package (https://t.co/k7aX2lgqoR)


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 22/3): Okay I just saw @xieyihui’s post (https://t.co/8o8UUPVKDK) mentioning about knitr:::knit_code and it’s occurred to me that I could do below without repeating the #ggplot codes so many times! Gist is now updated https://t.co/mXw8e7iGnf to reflect this! #rstats https://t.co/1XnWW7qN1Q

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 12/0): How to Put All Your Code in the Appendix in R Markdown @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/P7EVccdnzi

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 7/0): #RStats — Serving a Website or Shiny App at


Comet.ml (@Cometml; 0/0): @joelgrus is now famous for his “I Don’t Like Notebooks” talk at JupyterCon, but what about R users?

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui), a software engineer at @rstudio provides more context for those working with R Markdown and her own reflections using IDEs/tools


Armand Gilles (@arm_gilles; 0/0): Great post about Notebook War (from @joelgrus) rather agree with these arguments


نور سعيد الشاخوري (@nouralshakhouri; 0/0): Serving a Website or Shiny App at https://t.co/lyhpbElEKe

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/0): Forgot to include the link to the post discussing the code in appendix. Also realized this is much more useful for pdf outputs https://t.co/ygQKbmeOuO