@JennyBryan @sjackman Nice. I use this: clipr::read_clip_tbl() %>% knitr::kable() %>% clipr::write_clip() Been meaning to figure out how to turn this into something I can double-click on, maybe using @eddelbuettel’s littler, or something. Haven’t thought hard about how, but would like to.



Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 3/0): @dubfrican @dataandme regularly updates this roundup of resources https://t.co/FeZfxB6vEb

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 2/3): Anyone knows some good migration guide from blogdown to radix blog? #rstats

Emily Ackerman (@EmilyEAckerman; 1/0): check out my new website! made easy by #blogdown https://t.co/okL9x3XH69

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/1): The acceleration of a spherical raindrop growing in size due to condensation is equal to a quarter of the acceleration due to gravity (excluding air resistance). Nothing to do with all the recent typhoons. Just fun with #rstats #blogdown @MathJax #calculus https://t.co/YsXB3j2yyu


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 4/0): @nj_tierney I know you meant bookdown::pdf_document2 :)

Paul Oldham #FBPE (@junglepaul; 1/0): @nj_tierney If writing a long or book length piece in rmarkdown that bookdown really is your friend.

Jose M. Fernandez (@UofLEcon; 1/0): @Ponyboy1916 @UofLbiz @imgflip @GeorgiaTech On my own. I looked up free textbooks that put Econometrics and R together. I already knew Econometrics, but I needed to see how it was applied in R. Here are a few examples. https://t.co/piZwl184sG https://t.co/8G7OORREqd. R also has a built in set of modules called swirl.

KouYuanYuan (@KouYuanYuan; 0/0): bookdown-paperzh: 一个适合写中文学术论文的 bookdown 模板 https://t.co/hh1AQr6D9O https://t.co/IVfJmK2cih

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @DavidPoe223 @davidjayharris And in particular, don’t worry about bookdown for now. I still need to use it by myself to write other books at least in the next couple of years :)


Stephen Turner (@strnr; 11/2): @JennyBryan @sjackman Nice. I use this:

clipr::read_clip_tbl() %>%
knitr::kable() %>%

Been meaning to figure out how to turn this into something I can double-click on, maybe using @eddelbuettel’s littler, or something. Haven’t thought hard about how, but would like to.

R-Ladies East Lansing (@RLadiesELansing; 6/6): Our final round of #rstats #DataScience ⚡️talks next Monday!

Sebastian Schuster (@sebas_schu; 1/1): Why does #knitr cut off my labels? It looks fine in Rstudio but not in the knitted Word document. Same with plot titles. Any ideas? #rstats #ggplot2 https://t.co/u9il7amMtc

Jesse Mostipak (@kierisi; 1/0): @dgkeyes @JonTheGeek @apreshill @tladeras @jent103 https://t.co/loFsw3pglq

Basically using R code from other files within a project without writing a dataset to file. One of the big things I learned recently is that an Rmd file in a project initially exists as a “blank slate.”

Konrad has read, understood and (@klmr; 1/0): @CSJCampbell Good solution if you’re in the global namespace. More general:

! ‘knitr’ %in% loadedNamespaces() || is.null(knitr::current_input())

Konrad has read, understood and (@klmr; 0/0): @CSJCampbell (Assuming this is knitr/RMarkdown/Notebook; there’s an equivalent for Shiny, via shiny::isRunning().)


Christian Glez. (@chrglez; 3/3): Transparencias Tema 1 de Métodos Cuantitativos de GADE y DGADED. @FEET_ULPGC @ULPGC
#xaringan #latex #mathjax #rmarkdown #rstats
https://t.co/dOxsHRogqw https://t.co/x338bTACxN


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 3/2): #HowTo #RStats

How to Put All Your Code in the Appendix in R Markdown


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 2/1): #RStats #Radmin

Serving a Website or Shiny App at


R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 1/1): My Trick of Deciding if a Link Should Open a New Browser Tab @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/D79ONb65v6

Jesse Mostipak (@kierisi; 1/0): @dgkeyes @JonTheGeek @apreshill @tladeras @jent103 https://t.co/loFsw3pglq

Basically using R code from other files within a project without writing a dataset to file. One of the big things I learned recently is that an Rmd file in a project initially exists as a “blank slate.”

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @DavidPoe223 @davidjayharris That is also the single most important thing I deeply care about: https://t.co/SnNH7faFLo so I’ll certainly try my best to make sure they are well maintained in the foreseeable future. If I cannot maintain them, I’ll find the right people to.

FelipeBarros (@FelipeSMBarros; 0/1): Texto interesante sobre o uso de notebooks em programação #Python #jupyter #rstats https://t.co/lFjrZjS5Bl