πŸ™Œ good news for all the reasons @xieyihui describes: “Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github” https://t.co/LmxmXcixRs #rstats /* Pro tip πŸ‘‡ for GH browsable output */ output: html_document: keep_md: TRUE



Jonathan Gilligan (@jg_environ; 7/2): Open #licensing question: I often license my text, images, etc. under CC-BY & my code under MIT. Can anyone point me to good stuff to read on how to think about licensing deeply integrated code & creative content (#RMarkdown #bookdown #blogdown #ReproducibleResearch etc.) β†ͺ

Bianca Orozco🌻 (@simplebee__; 3/0): Me: I need to make a blog for my data science projects…
@emptyJAMEL: What are you waiting for?
Me: install.packages(“blogdown”)

#JustDoIt #DataScience #R https://t.co/WYvg4TcjBi β†ͺ

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 2/0): Testing features in blogdown https://t.co/PPxsVjPcZP #rstats #DataScience β†ͺ

Anas. πŸ₯ (@Offshore16; 0/0): Hey @xieyihui, any insight on eiditing #blogdown posts (slugs, filenames) without breaking them ? :)
thanks ! #rstats https://t.co/GwfgminOLV β†ͺ


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 10/4): #Rstats - 1st #bookdown contest πŸ†- Our R-dev @_ColinFay got an “Honorable Mention Prize” for {backyard}: A R πŸ“¦ with a #Shiny app that provides a visual backend for easier collaboration on Bookdown. https://t.co/MzjSZW6RHF Congrats ! Results here: https://t.co/kyn0oNNtzK https://t.co/MtMoVqhrew β†ͺ

Jonathan Gilligan (@jg_environ; 7/2): Open #licensing question: I often license my text, images, etc. under CC-BY & my code under MIT. Can anyone point me to good stuff to read on how to think about licensing deeply integrated code & creative content (#RMarkdown #bookdown #blogdown #ReproducibleResearch etc.) β†ͺ

Hao Ye uses a flip phone πŸ˜±πŸ‘» (@Hao_and_Y; 5/0): @lizzieredford R markdown works well with bibtex (which you can export from most reference managers, e.g. zotero, mendeley). https://t.co/HiVD1iGXdk

If you need to look up the info for a bunch of papers, maybe rcrossref will do the trick? https://t.co/TjA0jyQS8D β†ͺ

Shivam (@shivamg; 0/0): Automatically Building, Testing and Deploying bookdown with Travis and GitHub Pages - Random R Ramblings https://t.co/TagbnSxP4Z β†ͺ


Deemah πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ (@dmi3k; 0/0): Woot! There’s knitr equivalent for #python called stitch. It is rudimentary and probably not supported by IDEs, but it is an awesome step towards reproducibility with 🐍
https://t.co/vCP0a0xvUH https://t.co/qg4Gsv3YkW β†ͺ


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 22/11): πŸ™Œ good news for all the reasons @xieyihui describes:
“Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github”
https://t.co/LmxmXcixRs #rstats
/* Pro tip πŸ‘‡ for GH browsable output */
keep_md: TRUE β†ͺ

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 7/0): .Rmd will no longer be rendered as markdown on github.
Makes sense, @xieyihui.
https://t.co/ukO8xEdh6z β†ͺ

Naupaka Zimmerman (@naupakaz; 5/1): A proposal to not render #rstats Rmd as md on GitHub. I agree with @xieyihui that this is a good idea. Also, his prose line wrap CSS trick is handy.
https://t.co/xqEqkYUeNU β†ͺ

Matt Waite (@mattwaite; 1/0): I respect the reasoning, but dang does this foul me up mid semester: https://t.co/v9osJYhzvw β†ͺ

Justin Marciszewski (@hianalytics; 1/0): This is awesome, thank you @xieyihui Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github https://t.co/s77AP8kiwo #RMarkdown β†ͺ

keiichiro shikano Ξ»β™ͺ (@golden_lucky; 0/0): @kmuto γ„γ‘γŠγ†γ“γ†γ„γ†ε…ˆθ‘Œη ”η©ΆγŒ https://t.co/osNx9yzhaf β†ͺ