The hugo website @GoHugoIO for Academic Theme by @georgecushen now has a skill set with #rstats logo and statistics as default 😍 I so need to update my #blogdown site when I get the time!



Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 8/3): The hugo website @GoHugoIO for Academic Theme by @georgecushen now has a skill set with #rstats logo and statistics as default 😍 I so need to update my #blogdown site when I get the time!

Darrin Speegle (@speegled; 0/1): After many, many failed attempts, I think I have used #blogdown to create a blog that meets the criteria for R bloggers. Except that the LaTeX from the RMarkdown file doesn’t render properly on the RSS feed. Sigh. #Rstats


JPiaskowski (@SeedsAndBreeds; 1/0): @_ColinFay @marskar @dataandme @rstudio I don’t think bookdown is quite what I had in mind, but I can write a function to accomplish this. I just thought someone else would have created this already.

R and Geoscience (@rgeoscience; 0/0): 又一本免費的R教學電子書 YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R


atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/1): xtableみたいな表出力のための強力なエンジンと違って,knitr::kable()はプログラマが簡単に使えることを意図してるよ
> Unlike those powerful table rendering engines such as xtable, the philosophybehind knitr::kable() is to make it easy for programmers to use.