@hadleywickham @StatGarrett @minebocek I like to teach the #rstats pipe operator (%>%) after using it a bit. Slides 🖼 here: https://t.co/XWlvGUJehI #xaringan slide code on github: https://t.co/mCene7MAzb https://t.co/Gj6J65tcu1



ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 21/6): Writing a CV in markdown so it can be rendered as HTML, a PDF, and a Word document

Lluís Revilla (@Lluis_Rev; 0/1): I found resources moving blogs from WordPress to #blogdown. But I can’t find much information about moving from blogger to #blogdown. Any experience with this? #rstats

So far only the blog from @MarkusGesmann but it doesn’t explain how to do it: https://t.co/rQYccYTNZU

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/0): blogdown,なんかよくわからんページを生成する.
https://t.co/NgVk8JMHMa https://t.co/p7cOUCHlpG

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/0): #JapanR って2次会空いてるから、2次会申し込めば発表も聞けると思ってたけど違うのかな……。LTするか? Julia試せたら試して、ダメならblogdownを5ヶ月使った感想でも。

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 0/0): Ferramentas utilizadas: R, RStudio, Blogdown, Hugo, Academic Theme, git e Github.


Xtophe (@Xtophe_Bontemps; 1/1): Worth to to know: when configuring the amazing @xieyihui #bookdown on a #Windows machine, one should change latex_engine: “xelatex” to “pdflatex” ! And it works ! #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/QvOLv9zltZ

ruibookdown (@ray_bookdown; 0/0): https://t.co/BbkeL42OX5

Christopher Ackerman (@cackerman1; 0/0): linear regression analysis






https://t.co/MpspdfnvJR https://t.co/F6BXjSIgTr


kern🐾panik (@kernpanik; 2/2): “Now that’s some nice histogram”

Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 2/0): @ClausWilke @neilcharles_uk Yes, just drop this into your set-up chunk:

knitr::knit_hooks$set(rgl = rgl::hook_rgl)

And set rgl=TRUE in that particular chunk’s options.


We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 152/33): @hadleywickham @StatGarrett @minebocek I like to teach the #rstats pipe operator (%>%) after using it a bit.

Slides 🖼 here:

#xaringan slide code on github:
https://t.co/mCene7MAzb https://t.co/Gj6J65tcu1

Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 1/1): Haven’t had a ton of mental bandwidth lately but I’ve been trying to find time to wrap my head around how to be more efficient with Markdown. Absolutely terrific tutorial when walking through the slides via browser w/ actual code

xaringan for #rstats by @xieyihui is fantastic


Nicola Roberts (@NicolaRbrts; 1/0): Great read from @xieyihui on notebook pros and cons, in R and Python https://t.co/YV8u6Hv8tL