Any #RLadies need to update their social media profiles? A happy problem, but I need to update my bio and #blogdown site πŸ’ͺ🏽 These materials from talented #OHSU #WomenInSTEM @rchampieux, @dr_lrwyatt, and Olivia Hancock are πŸ’― (+ πŸ” @datapointier!) Link:



We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 66/20): Any #RLadies need to update their social media profiles? A happy problem, but I need to update my bio and #blogdown site πŸ’ͺ🏽

These materials from talented #OHSU #WomenInSTEM @rchampieux, @dr_lrwyatt, and Olivia Hancock are πŸ’―
(+ πŸ” @datapointier!)

Link: β†ͺ

Hernando Cortina (@cortinah; 5/1): Without @xieyihui’s blogdown and @hadleywickham’s ggplot2 and their encouragement to put #rstats work online, I wouldn’t be having as much fun trying to solve @ollie’s riddles. β†ͺ

Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni; 2/0): @lacion @apreshill Thanks!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ But I’m sure my problem here is Windows. I was able to install the #blogdown with no issues on Linux, but it gives me weird errors on Windows. Need to spend more time on it, for sure. Hopefully this weekend! β†ͺ

Laura AciΓ³n (@lacion; 2/0): @melvidoni In case it helps, this step-by-step by @apreshill was my guide to a frustration-free webpage 😊 β†ͺ

Maxwell Joseph 🍩 (@mxwlj; 1/0): @jsonbaik I am not sure - started writing it in LaTeX, then moved to sweave, then to Rmd, which brought me to blogdown, but then I realized it would be a good book so I went to bookdown, but then I figured why not a gitbook, but then I went to Binder for interactivity. So maybe 6 months? β†ͺ

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 0/1): The data science blog of @MatzeDoering - - has been added to #rstats β†ͺ

Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni; 0/0): @lacion Thanks! Sadly, yesterday it started with the wrong foot, with #blogdown throwing a weird error. But it was near midnight, though. I’ll give it a shot again at a more decent hour πŸ˜…πŸ€£ β†ͺ


Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 23/6): Awesome contribution by @_ColinFay - converting all the #rstats manuals into bookdown. Find at! H/t @dataandme #rstatsdc β†ͺ

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 9/0): Teaching a special topics course in R next semester, can’t wait. Deep dives into R markdown for writing papers (papaja), data wrangling (dplyr), shiny apps, slides (xaringan), books (bookdown), R markdown websites, general coding, datavis with gglot2, and a bit of git #rtstats β†ͺ

Susan Holmes (@SherlockpHolmes; 3/1): @m_saharia @wolfgangkhuber The whole book was written as Rmd/Rnw scripts and is (re) generated from scratch regularly (erghhh…) but basically bookdown on tufte package in knitr and then beautiful extra touches in the msmbstyle package by @grimbough with exercises and solutions / the print version (CUP)?? β†ͺ

Janos Divenyi (@divenyijanos; 2/0): @Guzzo_Andrea I created ioslides presentation from R Markdown, see it here thanks for the wonderful @xieyihui β†ͺ

Malcolm Barrett πŸ¦ƒ+πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€ (@malco_barrett; 1/1): @ssjac79 It’s really a treat! R4DS has a nice chapter on it ( and @DataCamp has a good intro course ( If you want a deeper, dive, there’s also the new R Markdown book ( I haven’t read it yet, but it looks great! β†ͺ

Maxwell Joseph 🍩 (@mxwlj; 1/0): @jsonbaik I am not sure - started writing it in LaTeX, then moved to sweave, then to Rmd, which brought me to blogdown, but then I realized it would be a good book so I went to bookdown, but then I figured why not a gitbook, but then I went to Binder for interactivity. So maybe 6 months? β†ͺ

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 1/0): @JuliaHaaf @JeffRouder @aggieerin @Ref Yes. See here: I think you may even use $$ instead of the explicit LaTeX equation environments. β†ͺ

Jason Baik (@jsonbaik; 0/1): @mxwlj I highlt recommend #rstats bookdown. And I can’t wait! β†ͺ

Nedim Yel (@nedimyel; 0/0): Cool! R Manuals as bookdown β†ͺ

Susan Holmes (@SherlockpHolmes; 0/0): @m_saharia @wolfgangkhuber @grimbough Mike Smith @grimbough did submit to the bookdown contest: and won runner up prize…glad you like it. β†ͺ


Susan Holmes (@SherlockpHolmes; 3/1): @m_saharia @wolfgangkhuber The whole book was written as Rmd/Rnw scripts and is (re) generated from scratch regularly (erghhh…) but basically bookdown on tufte package in knitr and then beautiful extra touches in the msmbstyle package by @grimbough with exercises and solutions / the print version (CUP)?? β†ͺ

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 2/1): “If Windows didn’t introduce all these different encodings, I think half of programmers in the world could spend three months on the beach enjoying the sunshine every year.” True… β†ͺ

Omar Wasow (@owasow; 1/0): @malco_barrett Here’s what I did with Latex + knitr a few years back that might be adaptable to R markdown (if output is ultimately a pdf via some version of TeX) β†ͺ

Steven Roberts (@sr320; 0/0): @ksilli91 @YaaminiV Markdown - knitr - Github :) β†ͺ

AmΓ­lcar Rodrigues (@amilcarodrigues; 0/0): I liked a @YouTube video Working on a Project with Knitr, LaTeX and R using RStudio (LaTeX Advanced β†ͺ

Chandra Has (@chas397; 0/0): Working on a Project with Knitr, LaTeX and R using RStudio (LaTeX Advanc… via @YouTube β†ͺ


Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 9/0): Teaching a special topics course in R next semester, can’t wait. Deep dives into R markdown for writing papers (papaja), data wrangling (dplyr), shiny apps, slides (xaringan), books (bookdown), R markdown websites, general coding, datavis with gglot2, and a bit of git #rtstats β†ͺ

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 6/0): Repo with #xaringan slide code:

I print off handouts with code names for each dataset, but you could instead color-code them. So for recipe 1 for example, the dataset was called “HOT CROSS BUNS” πŸ₯

Then for each “recipe”, do a quick poll πŸ—³ β†ͺ

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 2/1): “If Windows didn’t introduce all these different encodings, I think half of programmers in the world could spend three months on the beach enjoying the sunshine every year.” True… β†ͺ

DaveParr (@DaveParr; 1/0): @brennanpcardiff i fogot there was an install step :) β†ͺ