LegeFerenda (@FerendaLege; 1/0): Interest payments for greek debt (2010-2017). Full R code can be found in
#rstats #blogdown #Greece ↪
Yisu Zhou (@makzhou; 1/0): Was preparing for a lecture with #xaringan and discovered the secret presenter mode. Didn’t even know such a cool feature existed until today (you can sync presentation windows!!! what?) Thank you @xieyihui for making this awesome pkg! ↪
Mathieu Saby (@27point7; 0/0): @lespetitescases jeckyll sous mac, j’y ai passé une aprem pour rien… pbm de dépendances je crois. mais c’était il y a un an ou deux.
Là je veux tester bookdown et apparemment ils conseillent plutôt Hugo comme générateur statique. ↪
Yisu Zhou (@makzhou; 1/0): Was preparing for a lecture with #xaringan and discovered the secret presenter mode. Didn’t even know such a cool feature existed until today (you can sync presentation windows!!! what?) Thank you @xieyihui for making this awesome pkg! ↪
Yisu Zhou (@makzhou; 0/0): side note: I switched to #xaringan this semester (tried reveal-md once, couldn’t really keep up with the development) from #latex . I think being tied to #rstudio really helps people like me who couldn’t really manage so many pkgs under the hood. One installation and good to go. ↪