JD Long (@CMastication; 29/2): This weekend I experimented with Hugo for static website generation. It took me a bit to grok what’s going on, but when I saw the continuous integration with @Netlify and github, I was all: 💻🕸️😍 Blogdown with #rstats is my holiday project… ↪
Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 16/0): Made possible by (finally) moving my blog to blogdown, as code on my old version didn’t display well. Looking forward to writing more code-heavy posts now that it’s a lot easier! ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 10/0): Dear blogdown,
I have a question: ↪
Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 5/0): @xieyihui Yeah, not sure if I want to enable it, so just commented out the code. Thanks!
Also, thanks to you, Amber, and Alison for the blogdown book! Was very helpful and where I got theme. And I followed the advice to just cut and past the posts :) ↪
Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 1/0): @TheSiame Me personally on github + netlify. For all the info, check out ↪
Jeff Hollister (@jhollist; 1/0): @CMastication @Netlify Switched a while back. Was using Jekyll prior to that. Blogdown was a big upgrade for me. ↪
John Cassil (@johncassil; 0/0): @robinson_es I dream of creating a personal blogdown website, but I don’t have incredibly interesting content to fill it with at the moment because all of my analyses tend to be confidential to my employer. ↪
Paul M. Siame 🏳️🌈 👨🏿💻 📊📈 (@TheSiame; 0/0): @robinson_es How do you publish host a blogdown blog? ↪
Alex Chamessian (@achamess; 10/1): @caitvw Resources that were helpful to me with no code background:
- (Start here)
- (Add this series)
- (Learn basics of R)
- (Learn to use R well)
- (Bioinformatics) ↪
JD Long (@CMastication; 1/0): @karlstanley @Netlify I wasn’t really motivated to learn much until I decided that I might need a new site and I thought “I keep hearing about how magical Hugo is” … plus the integration with R through the package bookdown is pretty nifty. That’s really what nudged me to Hugo… ↪
Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 1/0): @flaviocopes @ossia @freeCodeCamp Awesome work! How did you compile the book? May I suggest converting to bookdown (@xieyihui). Bookdown then supports many other versions of your choice. Authors who have used bookdown have made it easy to manage edits since the book is hosted on a version control backbone. ↪
Matt Bannert (@whatsgoodio; 0/1): Jeez. Can we automate entire consulting now? Rmarkdown does Powerpoint slides now: #rstats #PowerPoint ↪
Michael Koontz (@_mikoontz; 0/0): @megan_vahsen there’s a brms implementation in the “Statistical Rethinking Recoded” book here: ↪
Edward Visel (@alistaire; 0/0): @chrisalbon bookdown takes this idea to 11, and is a particularly good option if code is involved ↪
James Goldie (@rensa_co; 2/0): @sellorm @carroll_jono @rstudio It didn’t occur to me that custom knitr engines could be used for stuff like embedding data directly! That is
レンウッド (@mDVEkHGnFruBOU7; 0/0): knitr開発者のYihui Xie氏がいきなりNARUTOの岸影様にRmarkdown使わせるのが夢とか語りだしたのは草を禁じ得ない ↪
Simon Halliday (@simondhalliday; 4/0): At #SEA2018 and presented paper Efficient Empiricism on using #RMarkdown & #rstats for UG econ teaching & research: first time using xaringan; #econed ↪
Simon Halliday (@simondhalliday; 1/0): @BaumerBen any chance we’re going to get a Smith xaringan theme? Student project maybe? Pretty please. @SmithCollegeSDS ↪
Wen (@limwwen; 0/0): Such a good read. “Who are your real enemies? What have you been fighting for? A dream, or a label?” -> English is Still Hard for Me, and Thoughts on (Computer) Language Wars - Why are language wars endless? - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 ↪
Amandeep Jutla (@AmandeepJutla; 0/0): Just spent half an hour trying to figure out why my simple one-liner Rprofile wasn’t loading, only to find out that R will just SILENTLY IGNORE your one-liner if it isn’t followed by a newline. Nothing like R to get your day off to a murderous start. ↪