@guzdial I recommend this article from @xieyihui about learning and criticizing both human and computer languages https://t.co/w6I1DzIhDO https://t.co/6mLVGNbh0c



Shila Ghazanfar (@shazanfar; 11/4): #COMBINE18 panellists just highlighted the importance of communicating your research interests for cultivating your presence e.g. writing a blog. Building blogs are becoming muuch easier with tools like blogdown and helpful tutorials like @statsgen ’s https://t.co/akb6rfdtbo

gkroeg (@gkroeg; 11/1): Recently got “up and running with blogdown” thanks to many helpful resources like @apreshill’s up and running with blog down post and @JennyBryan’s Happy Git and Github for the useR. Now comes the hard part… populating my site! #RLadies #blogdown #R4DS

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @statsgen @shazanfar and I constantly recommend all of @statsgen’s #blogdown stuff 😍🥰 I’ll be updating my (old) blog post soon too in prep for @rstudio::conf in January (and the advanced r markdown workshop there)!

Patrick Blomquist (@PatBl0mquist; 2/0): @DrMowinckels You inspired me to revisit blogdown. Need to see what i can develop with limited capacity👍

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @gkroeg @JennyBryan awesome! Share the link- I’ll add you to the #blogdown twitter list https://t.co/pxdqIzgWCO https://t.co/AIT7M9miTI


Lindsay Lee (@lindsayevanslee; 11/1): Do any #rstats people have any advice about how to effectively version control a bookdown book translated into multiple languages (e.g. English and Spanish)? beyond just like, having two files and being careful to always make the same edits to both…

Hugo Gruson (@grusonh; 0/0): @lindsayevanslee Does @transifex or any similar alternative work with bookdown? That could be an option. Many people use it for collaborative translations but I guess it would work even if you do it yourself.


atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/0): html_documentやpdf_documentだと、リストで与えたデータフレームがside-by-sideな表示になるのか……! knitr::kable(list(iris[1:2,1:2], iris[1:3,3:4]))


David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 4/0): Enjoyed chatting ideas for teaching #rstats with @apreshill this morning. Most impressed by her ability to pronounce xaringan without any hesitation.

Bruna Wundervald (@bwundervald; 1/0): People, those are the slides of my supervisor’s presentation today about publishing papers: https://t.co/BNQhhAeTMV #rstats #rladies #xaringan


David Robinson (@drob; 20/0): @guzdial I recommend this article from @xieyihui about learning and criticizing both human and computer languages https://t.co/w6I1DzIhDO https://t.co/6mLVGNbh0c