Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 16/3): R Markdownで生成できる静的ブログシステム、radixとblogdownの比較。表
がとてもわかりやすい💯!radixはblogdownでの難しい部分を考える必要が少なくていいかなーと思う。テーマによる拡張は劣るけど😅タイトルにもある通り、Scientificなものはradixが良さげ。 ↪
R en Buenos Aires (@renbaires; 13/6): Reviví nuestro primer encuentro! 🎉 Fotos y video de todo lo que pasó en nuestro taller de {blogdown} 📦 ↪
Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 5/2): gradually migrating some of my posts from rpub to my blogdown page. This time PCA #rstats ↪
Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni; 3/0): I am preparing another blog post, this time about #CONAIISI2018!
This #blogdown this is starting to grow on me, honestly.
#rstats #AcademicTwitter ↪
Jeff Hollister (@jhollist; 1/0): @MarloWordyBird @PixelMnM R is a programming language used by many in sciences and one of the tools available in R is a package (how you add functionality to R) called blogdown that helps create websites. ↪
Marlo Garnsworthy (@MarloWordyBird; 1/0): @jhollist @PixelMnM What is R with blogdown? Everyone seems to know but me. ↪
Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 0/0): @MarloWordyBird Ah, R is a programming language originally developed around statistics, but it’s now employed in all sorts of data processing and visualization. Some tools allow you to produce outputs as PDFs and webpages. The blogdown package allows r coders to develop a full website ↪
Allen Downey (@AllenDowney; 37/5): If you were starting a new book project today, what typesetting language / development environment would you use?
LaTeX with Texmaker?
Bookdown with RStudio?
Other? ↪
Oahu Boy (@hawaiianboy77; 3/0): @AllenDowney Bookdown with RStudio ↪
JD Long (@CMastication; 3/0): @iamreddave @AllenDowney It’s dependent on the publisher as well as the content of the book. I like bookdown for R, but if I were doing a devops book for O’Reilly I’d write directly in asciidoc, for example. So I think context matters highly. Choosing a tool before understanding context is backward ↪
ZJ (@dzj_evalparse; 2/0): @AllenDowney Bookdown. Or texnicenter ↪
Tonalli R.-L. (@t3rodrig; 1/0): @AllenDowney Now, I am going to use bookdown ↪
Joachim Goεdhαrt (@joachimgoedhart; 1/0): @WilsonAdams_ @the_Node This is some nice background info on clustering: ↪
ferdinand jamitzky (@jamitzky; 1/0): “APL in R” : “APL was introduced by Iverson (1962). It is an array language, with many functions to manipulate multidimensional arrays. R also has multidimensional arrays, but not as many functions to work with them. In R there are no scalars, there are… ↪
もらとりあむお271 (@moratoriamuo271; 1/0): Rmarkdownでこんなの偶然見つけた ↪
Ulf Hamster (@bubblride; 0/0): @xieyihui is there a way to create a glossary in bookdown that works for html, latex/pdf, and epub? ↪
Marcus Asplund (@MarcusAsplund; 0/0): Fint! Laddar ner som jullektyr. A propos pub, har du sett ↪
Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 11/5): Using RMarkdown in #rstats? There are some awesome changes in knitr 📦 1.21 and rmarkdown 📦1.11 that I’ll highlight in this thread (expecting an RStudio blogpost in the near future) ↪
Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 7/0): There’s a little used code chunk option in knitr called tidy, it affects code printed in your RMarkdown output documents.
This new version of knitr introduces the awesome styler tidier ( for formatting #rstats code 💥 ↪
apppinter (@apppinter1; 0/0): 【Expensive Book】Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, Second Edition ↪
Lima (@Victor95182876; 1/0): @crirbi_02 Xaringan ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): This is one of the best explanations I’ve seen of the CSS background-size properties contain vs cover:
If you are an #rstats #xaringan user (remark.js), this is very helpful for understanding when to use which size property with a background image! ↪